Monday, December 26, 2011

Happy Holidays!

Merry Christmas (or whatever holiday you celebrate  .. . . . such as the Solstice)

Anyway, yesterday was amazing for me.  My parents and I actually opened our gifts on Sauturday night so that we could focus on the birth of Christ on Sunday.  I was grateful for this change in plans.  Overall, this holiday has been amazing.
My family got to celebrate in a new house that I love.  Jassy and Arika have both seen it and love it as far as I know.  :)  I am grateful for this new year that will beginning so I can start some new years resolutions!  I love making new goals.  I am not sure how many I will be able to say I continued throughout the year, but I will do my best.  :)  I plan on doing a lot of writing, which I am pretty sure will happen simply because I love writing.  I also hope to work as much as possible (college is sort of expensive), and I hope to become a better person all around.  We will see how it turns out.

If Jassy or Arika see this . . . please write some of your New Year's Resolutions!  I am sure we would all like to hear.  :D

Happy Holidays


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Hey you
Yeah, you
Guess what
I'M SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!

Now that that is out of my system (even though it never really is), time to get to business!
So... two days ago, I had a very strange dream--very, very strange dream.
Let me start by getting the detail that's been really bothering me about it out of the way. I was married to my best friend; when I say best friend, I mean my it's-never-going-to-be-anything-more best friend (believe me, sometimes I wish it was otherwise). Don't get me wrong, I've had dreams where I've been married to him before--most of them end up with something going inevitably wrong.
Just like this one.
So apparently, by marrying him, I angered somebody enough to send an assassin after us. But, thanks to the beauty of dreaming, I was perfectly aware an assassin was coming my way, and, thanks to a knife I had placed under my dream-pillow, I ended up cutting her throat.
She didn't die.
She didn't fight or do anything, mind you, but she was just kinda sitting there, looking at me like she had still somehow won. Well, knowing that she was an assassin, I pinned her (which she let me do rather easily, still just kinda sitting there) and woke up my friend. This is how the dialouge went.
"Hey, wake up!"
"There's someone trying to kill us!"
He looked over to where I had the unmoving assassin 'immobilized'
"Why did you wake me up?"
"Uh, because she's trying to KILL US!"
"So? It looks like you've got it,"
And then he rolled over and went back to sleep, leaving me to deal with the easily dispatched assassin.
While I am happy to know that my dream-friend trusts my mad--ly non-existant kung fu skills enough to take care of an assassin, honestly, I expected him to take control of the situation, and as it is, he normally takes control all the time. So to watch him just turn over and go back to sleep while there was someone trying to kill him and his new wife--I guess it kinda bothered me.

In other news, my book is actually going really smoothly, which I am VERY happy with. Until next time lovely readers :)

Sunday, December 11, 2011

The End of . . . . The Beginning!

Today is my last Sunday at college for my first semester.  I can't even begin to explain the happiness and sadness that I feel every time I think of this past semester.  It has been quite a ride.  I've made friends, cried because of homesickness, and managed to get straight A's for a possible full-ride scholarship next year.
I have come to realize that this life is a journey.  It is so short though the days that create it are long roads that we must travel.  I hope to make the best of my college life.  I hope to have more fun in the coming semesters since I know more of what to expect.
I hope to become my best self this next year.  There is a time and place for everything, and I want everything to happen next year.

The roommates and I had a girl's night on Friday.  It was awesome!  We did each other's nails and we tried "Water Marble Nail Art".  If you haven't heard of it, just youtube it and you will be amazed.  We tried it, and for a first timer, I felt my nails looked awesome!

Christmas is coming so soon.  I can't wait till I come home to a new house and am able to drink my Dad's Hot Apple Cider and have a quite Christmas with my family.  I can't wait to see my parents later this week.  I am sure to cry.  :)

Jassy will come home for Christmas and then come back up here to start her second semester.  I am home until April and then she will be home.  It will not be the same without her, but Arika and I will just have to make do.

I hope you all have a great week!  Try and share some of the Christmas Joy with others around you.


Friday, December 2, 2011

Complications of life...and weird dreams.

Well readers as you have probably guessed, I am the worst updater out of my sisters. Well life for me lately has been complicated. You see it all has to do with boys. I am so confused and about ready to take a break from liking them. It all has to do with my ex and another guy. You see my ex and I still like each other even though we are in different states and I am a year older. Since coming to college we would call and talk about once a week. Well in the past few weeks neither of us had called each other. Then my other friend who is coming to my college next month started talking and flirting with me. I started liking him and then found out he liked me. Then my ex called again and we talked and I didn't like the other guy as much. So I think it was because my ex and I didn't talk and I was lonely and sad. And now another guy is coming home from his mission this month, and I don't know how I feel about him. So you can probably see why life is confusing. Other than that it has been grand. I had a great Thanksgiving with my family and even got to go visit my grandfathers grave. I had not had the chance to go before. I get to go home for Christmas and see my family and sister!! I am so excited about that.
I have also decided that sleeping in and taking naps brings about weird dreams. Earlier today after coming back from my chemistry class, I decided to take a nap. I proceed to have a weird dream because of it. I was at a party and lying down on a table while wearing a red dress. I was there drinking water out of a Styrofoam cup and listening to the music. All of a sudden these three vampires came in and one was looking for a mate. He saw me and proceeded to chase me around the building. I finally got outside of the building and got inside my car. The problem was that I couldn't escape because he somehow got my keys. I tried getting them back while he tried biting me. Then the police showed up and helped me get my keys back. I drove away while he was laughing and saying I will never escape him. It was weird. The dream then went on to somehow include Darth Vader and one of my friends from English proposing to me in a house I had never been in. It was a weird yet entertaining dream.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Long time, readers!!
It has certainly been a while since I last updated (my apologies), but I am back with all new info!
So my most current work is based on a dream I had many months ago. It was a...reassuring dream, because even though I was stuck in what is probably the world's strangest maze, I ended up running into one of my best friends who helped me out of the maze and calmed me down at the same time. So, in short, I was happy :)
Then, a few weeks ago, I had another dream, but this was one slightly more worrying, and I wasn't nearly as relaxed. But--and it's a big one!--when i thought it through, I realized that I could connected almost seemlessly with my current work, and it actually gave the first story the resolution it needed! I was very surprised, and very happy. :)
So, i suppose the moral of this story is that, even if you think that the story is complete, don't close all of your options. I don't mean continue it because you think you have to, because that just leads to crappy sequels. But when you get something that fits, don't let it go.
So there you go.
Also, I am seriously excited because I'M GOING TO GET MY SISTERS BACK THIS MONTH!!!!!!!!!!! :D I'M SO HAPPY!!!!
Arika :)

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Tis the Season to . . . .EAT!

I finished yet another book.  This was Book #8 and my very first sequel.  How happy does that make me?  It makes me as happy as I would be if I suddenly saw a duck moonwalking.  It makes me this happy.

Anyway, so now I have two more books to write by the end of the year, and one to edit for a special purpose (I can't tell you what it is because my mom reads this, and it's going to be a big surprise!!).  I had Thanksgiving with the head guy of my church.  He invited me to have it with his family who were all very nice.  It was the first time I had had Thanksgiving dinner in a long time.  True, I didn't have any turkey, but I had mashed potatoes (that I'd helped peel by the way), and a green bean casserole (which was delicious), and many other things.  I stayed clear of the pies, and other disgusting Thanksgiving food items that make me start gagging to think about.
I'm starting to realize that my semester is almost done.  That is crazy.  It has gone by so fast. I love it up here in college.  It is so nice to have this extra freedom and finally be on my own (just as long as my mom is only a phone call away).
My college is strange in that there are 'technically' three semesters, but all students only ever go to two in any given year. My college time is from September-December and April-July.  I have a four month break between semesters and then about a month break between the semesters during the summer.  I'm so grateful for this break because it gives me time to go to work and make more money.  Not to mention the fact that I will have time to write more often.  You see Jassy and I are on different systems (She goes to school from September-December, and January-April), so I don't have too many friends back at home that  really hang out with.  Arika will be there, so every weekend we will be painting the town red.  Then of course, I have other friends, but they are on a regular school system.
While it is sort of depressing that I won't get to see a ton of my friends, I'm actually looking forward to the experience of writing as much as I want (within the bounds of my work at least).
This next year is to be one full of editing.  We will see where that leads me.
Lastly, I have to bring up how much I enjoy the Christmas Season.  There is such a feeling in the air, and I just love it.  There is snow here (which I am so not used to being from a desert and all), and I love the chance I get to wear my beanies that my dearest mother made me.

I hope you are all having a fantastic day.


Monday, November 21, 2011

Long Time No Talk

Wow, long time for not seeing this blog.  Of course, it would be cool if my sisters would write on here every once in a while (hint hint).
So, I am here to tell you that I am done with NaNoWriMo.  Actually I have been done for about a week.  It was very fast for me, and reassured me about my love and desire to write.  It is honestly everything I could ever want to do.
I'm hoping to have three-four other books written by the end of this year.  It will be crazy, but I think I can do it.  I really just need to work my but off during Thanksgiving Break.
I hope you all have a great Turkey Day and have an amazing time spending it with your family.  Thanksgiving and Christmas are my favorite time of year simply because of the love I share with my family.  It is a great feeling.


Wednesday, November 9, 2011


National Novel Writing Month

It is a difficult adventure to take, but completely worth it.  Most writers deal with the inability to move past their words.  Their sentences have to be completely perfect, which will never happen.
I am lucky because I have realized that my writing will never be perfect, but have also realized that in order for me to have the best writing possible, I simply need to write, and then I can go back later and revise.  In reality, NaNoWriMo isn't too difficult for me because I write quickly normally.   However, it is still nice to have a website to report my daily word count to.  It helps keep me on track.  I know Jassy isn't writing this month . . . but is Arika?  We shall see.  In the meantime, keep writing, because it creates a beautiful (handsome) smile on your face.  And that makes it completely worth it!


Thursday, November 3, 2011

Meaning of LIfe

I'm not really sure what to write.  Today has been a difficult day.  My dog, my sweet Rosie died last night. It was her time to go and I'm glad that she is no longer in pain.  It is a little more difficult for me to deal with because I am away at college (not to mention 14 hours away) so there was no way for me to say goodbye to her.  I am happy that she did not have to endure more pain and suffering.
I suppose I will always miss  her.  She was a great dog with her sister Halie that has been gone for a few years now.  
I can still remember when I was very sad one day.  I was upstairs in my room, crying, wondering why things were so bad.  The next thing I knew, Rosie had nosed her way into my room.  She looked at me as if to say, "Don't worry kid, I'm right here."  Then she jumped up on my bed and cuddled with me.  She let me cry into her curly fur, and just hold her.  Even though she couldn't not hug me, she was a great comfort to me that day.  
I remember when Halie and Rosie were just puppies, and we were training them to go to the bathroom on newspapers, we got so frustrated, because they never seemed to get it.  One morning, my family and I hear this yell from the bathroom.  My father had set his newspaper outside of the door, and when he came out to get it, there was a nice wet present waiting for him.  
I remember Rosie's soft, curly fur that would get crazy whenever we didn't cut it.  I remember that she would lick me every chance she got.  She just wanted to be near us.  She was a people dog. 
I remember that Rosie was definitely more athletic than Halie, she was faster, and stronger, but all she wanted to do was curl up between our open legs and watch a movie with us while Halie wanted to play ball.  
I remember the last time I saw her.  Rosie still managed to wag her tail at me, and give me a kiss of good luck as I stepped away from my home to go to college.  
I know it might seem silly because she is an animal, but she was a good friend to me.  I love her, and I will always miss her.  I know that if she could talk, she wouldn't want me to be sad.  Rather, as my brother said, she is probably having lots of fun playing with her sister again.  Oh how I miss her.  I hope to see her again.  One day.  

So, I'm back home! And I've finally reacclimated, so I think my body is completely over the travel. I miss my sisters dearly, and I can't wait to see them again!
So, apparently the days after completely-awful-terrible-life-is-against-me days are fantastic for writing. Maybe all of the terrible things that happen trigger some sort of inspiration. Who knows? All I know is that by the end of yesterday, my one thought was 'life can go suck eggs' and then today I had everything ready for writing and character development.
Weird, right?
And, I learned something very valuable from my english teacher. Apparently, when she got married, she recieved a pound or so of Jamacian Blue coffee. According to her, Jamacain Blue isn't just coffee, it's coffee; like specifically-set-an-hour-aside-to-enjoy-the-cup kind of coffee. She was presented with a choice. She could enjoy only so many cups of pure Jamacain Blue, or she could mix it with Folgers (which, she admitted, gets the job done in the morning). So what did she choose? Well, she, like the class, thought that mixing Jamacain Blue with Folgers was nothing short of sacraligious! And so she enjoyed the small amount of Jamacian Blue, completely pure.
So how, you may find yourself asking, is coffee anything like writing?
I'll tell you.
Think of Jamacain Blue as the right words that get the job completely done, perfect simply by themselves. Then think of Folgers as the words that are ok, but if they weren't there, it would still be perfectly fine.
Don't add excess words! They aren't needed! Don't corrupt your Jamacain Blue with Folgers!!!!
Anyway, hopefully tomorrow and saturday will be better; by all accounts, they should be. And I hope you learned something valuable from my coffee lecture!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Life is normal?

No, life is never normal.  If it was normal, we wouldn't even be here.  Anyway, Arika is gone.  It was fun while it lasted.  We went out to eat at an amazing little sandwhich shop which will become the main staple of my life, saw Lion King 3D (I forgot how AMAZING that movie is), and went to a few Halloween parties.  For the first one, Arika went as Peter Pan, and she looked spiffy.  However, her outfit was made with felt, so since it was so hot, she decided to go as bubblegum under a shoe.

Personally, I felt this was ingenious!  And who thought of it??  Yours truly.  

I went as Facebook (wrote book on my face), and Jassy went as a Pirate.  I think we looked awesome!!

Fall is coming quickly, however, I think we skipped it here in Idaho . . . . it is just really cold now.  I'm from a desert, so even though I do like the cold, it takes me a while to get used to it.  

I think that is it for me.  I hope you all have a great week(end).  And soon to be Happy Halloween!!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Lady Bugs

Dear Lady Bugs,

                                                               (Taken from here)

Honestly, you could be a little bit more lady-like.  Three, you hear that?  THREE of you flew into my face today.  You might be adorable and everything, but honestly, show some respect for humans.  It's hardly our fault that a lot of you have been curb-stomped.   I have seen at least ten of you walking on the sidewalk.  Hello! You have wings, think about using them. Seriously or I'm going to have to talk to the Mr. Lady Bug from A Bug's Life.  I'm not bluffing.


Seriously, get out of my face

Sunday, October 16, 2011

I'm back and typing again! And the long absence was completely because i was busy and not at all because i forgot or anything......
Anyway, after reading Aiden's posts, I'm thinking it is definetely about time I visit (even though, you have to admit, those posts were seriously entertaining).
I am so attached to a new story I'm writing, and it makes me happy with all of the progress I've made with it! even though I've only actually typed out three chapters.....
Like my sisters have mentioned (many, many times) and as I will make note of (even more), I am going to visit them this coming weekend!!!! I am soooooooo beyond excited to go to their college, and I know we are going to have a bunch of fun, and I'm bringing a surprise I haven't before hinted to them (*hint* it's from our mom). But, really, I am so stoked!--even though it means that i will have to reschedule one of my midterms. Haha, you'd think I'd have thought about that before I planned the trip, but nope! Wasn't even on my mind! Well, hopefully I'll learn to check every piece of paper my teachers give me next time.
Oh well, cest la vie!
Also, I have encountered the irritating monster known as writers' block. Unfortunately enough, it is blocking the paper that's due tomorrow. Yea.... it's going to be a poor rough draft. (but that's why it's called a rough draft, right?)
Anyway, I'm going to get back to my homework now.
See you (for reals) next week!!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Volleyball and sisters

Well as you have probably guessed I'm really bad at updating this blog. I'm a pretty lazy and laid back kind of person.
Yesterday I went and watched my friend's volleyball game. It was really great. My friends team only had six players, so they had to play all the way through. They almost won though. The other team just had more chance to rest their players.Watching the game made me really want to go play volleyball again. I love the sport with a passion!!
Anyway, I'm really excited for next week!! The reason why is because Arika is coming to spend the weekend with Aiden and I. It's going to be a blast! Well I'm not sure what else to write about, so until next time...bye bye

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Am I Actually In An Asylum?

There comes a time when people become crazy.

That time has come and gone my friends.

Just ask Jassy.  Yesterday, I was stressing, because school especially school in college is hard.  There are two ways that I deal with stress.  1.  I withdraw into myself, and don't like talking to anyone, and if anyone talks to me, I try to not acknowledge their existence.  It seems to work wonders for me.  2. I get excessively hyper.  i.e., jumping and landing on two couches in our apartment  that are pushed together to resemble a boat resulting in a massive headache.  Singing obnoxiously along with my ipod, etc. Luckily, my other roommates weren't there to witness the crazy, and only Jassy had to endure.  Honestly, I didn't think it was that bad.  Until we started having a tickle war.

Jassy's shoulder was hurting her, so I offered to punch her shoulder to see if there were bones that needed cracking.  She agreed and then was promptly on the floor. Apparently my right hook is stronger than I knew.

In my religion class there is a guy that looks a lot like Robert  (AKA Edward Cullen), but much much much cuter.  Next time for that class, I am not going to be ashamed nor embarrassed when I go up proudly to ask if I can get a picture with him.

Today, I saw no less than three (updated to say 7) squished Lady Bugs on the sidewalk, which is horrible because they are the sweetest little bugs ever!

Also today, as a result of being rather tired, I go into the building my next class is and wait for the previous one to be released.  I wait for half an hour thinking they are going far overtime when I realize that I am an hour early.  Talk about annoying!  I could have been doing homework, or sleeping, but mostly sleeping!

I feel that I am the only one writing on this blog, so Jassy, Arika, and I are going to have a little talk (read: discussion, pep talk, death threats etc).  :)  Have a great day!

BTW, newest Work In Progress (WIP) is currently at 25,000 words.  Almost halfway through.  Talk about awesome.  This will be book #8.  I know, I am excited too!



Yesterday, we had an interesting experience with a bee.  Roommate 1 opened the door to go to the laundromat when a bee, seeking refuge, came tearing into our living room.  Roommate 2 and I screamed like girls, because we are girls.  Jassy, Roommate 2, and I promptly picked up pillows and started swinging.  The bee followed me into a corner of the kitchen.  I screamed.  Roommate 2 bravely said, "I'll save you." while picking up a cardboard box from the trash and waving it wildly over her head like a machete.  As soon as the bee came for her, she dropped like a sack of potatoes to the floor and army crawled from the scene.  Jassy was gone to get the camera so I took the cardboard and struck the bee with all my might.  It was still alive, but not able to fly.  Then I quickly did a *smash smash* "I am WOMAN!!"  It was stuck on the cardboard and as I went outside to throw it do the ground, its wings started working again.  I dropped it like a grenade and ran into the house (but if it was really a grenade, I would have died from the close proximity, so I probably wouldn't have dropped a real grenade, it's totally just an expression, just saying).  Jassy bravely went out when we determined it could still not fly and shook it over the edge.  We are alive and healthy, I have still yet to find out if I am allergic to bee stings.  (In hindsight, I'm thinking that swinging at the be might have made it madder.  Oops, I'll have to remember that for next time (Jassy: Next time???))

So many things happen after I write the post, maybe I should learn to wait until the day is over.  But then again, the day is never over!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Rain, Rain, I love you!

I got boots.  Rain boots.  Which is a good thing because it's been raining off and on since last week.  They are black with polkadots and just cuteness to go around.  I also have a umbrella that is covered in dots.  I like dots.

OK, enough with the clipped sentences.  Let me start out by saying that I got and read the Heroes of Olympus #2: The Son of Neptune.  It is amazing!  Rick Riorden did everything I didn't think would happen and more.  And let me just say that the end is the biggest cliff hanger I have ever read in my entire life!  Even though I could dance for joy because of how amazing the book was, I wanted to punch a wall because that means that I have to wait until the fall of 2012 for the next book to come out!  Talk about lame sauce.

College is hard.  I thought that I would have more time, as it turns out, I am having a hard enough time with getting to bed at a reasonable hour.  It might have to do with the fact that I like to read an entire book in one day.  But honestly, I only do that for new books.  Other books I totally space out.  When I reread the Lost Hero, it took me a day and a half.  :)

Arika is coming to visit Jassy and I this month and I am counting down the minutes. I have missed my twin more than words can say.  I have been writing a lot, which is awesome!  I have a schedule to finish three more books (including the one I'm working on) before the end of the year.  Then next year will be a major editing job.  I'm not sure how excited I am for it, but it should be an adventure nonetheless.

I am doing great in all of my classes except for one.  I am just not sure what he expects of me.  Oh well, I know I can do better, and I will, especially if I want to keep up my scholarship!

Overall, the college life is awesome.  I think it will be even cooler when I am home for my break.  :)  There is not much else going on in my life at the present time, besides the lack of sleep department totally not doing their job.  I did get to bed sort of early last night.  I'm surprised thought, because I would have thought that I would be exhausted in the mornings.  It turns out that the whole ordeal only weighs on me at the end of the week, which is perfect because I only have two classes on Friday so I can take a 3-5 hour nap!  I love it.

I wake up in the mornings, perhaps a little grumpy, but that is not unusual, and then go about my business.  By the time I get to class, I am positively cheerful!  It must be those naps I am looking forward to.  Have a great day, I have a lot to do and so little time to do it.

My sisters should be posting sometime this week.  I keep telling them that the blog will get tired of me posting all of the time.


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Blogging for Class. Seriously

So, in my American Foundations Class, we are required to start a blog that is only for that class.  I believe that many of our assignments consist of essays that we write for American Foundations being posted on our blog.  So without further ado, I give you FreedomColors.  I think it is cool looking.  That is all.


Thursday, September 22, 2011

Sleep, time, and other things I don't remember

Honestly, I thought college students were supposed to have more time. . .  apparently not.  I call this stupid.  You might call it life.  I will lay out my schedule for you.

Monday: Math
Tuesday: English, Science, American Foundations
Wednesday: Math, Bible Study, English
Tuesday: English, Science, American Foundations
Friday: Math, Bible Study (online)

I have an easy day, technically.  I don't have more than four classes on any given day and on Monday, I really only have one class. Why is it that I feel as if I have no time.  It is probably because I have to be responsible for now.  I have to do my own laundry (I have been doing that for a long time now) at a laundromat, I have to shop for and buy my own food, I have to worry about a million assignments as well as getting good grades so hopefully I will be able to keep my scholarship up.

College life is hard, but it is rewarding.  It is a strange thing.  When I am really busy, I don't have a lot of time to see the negative that creeps into my life.  I consider this a plus.  I haven't had much time to worry what my mom is doing to my room in my absence, or about anything else really.  I have been single minded for the past few weeks, and it is a great feeling.

If you feel the need to let lose some things you feel you made need to do, fill up your schedule, they will disappear pretty easily.  I hope you all have a great rest of the week.


Monday, September 19, 2011

The MOST important part of writing

Soooooooooooo................. I'm late! By, like, a lot actually, I just remembered this morning (sorry).
Aiden and Jassy are gone, left, just like that ;'(...... You know that song in Shrek that Donkey sings? I'm all alone, with no one here beside me..... But you gotta have friends--
ehemm... yea just like that....
Anyway, I've got Skype and some plane tickets so I think I just might make it through Christmas.
On to the title!
As I constantly am reminded, one of the most important parts of being a good writer is to read many many books to learn techniques and styles that other writers use. I just recently got two brand-spanken-new books, and I have fallen in love with them.
But at the same time, I am writing my own story. Aiden will probably try to long distance strangle me, but it is a new idea I'm pretty sure I came up with all on my own... well my subconscious (sp?) did anyway when it put me through an amazing dream that made me feel happy and curious all at the same time.
The point is, after I read those two books, I found it even easier to write, even though my story has absolutely nothing in the world to do with those two stories.
So, moral of the story, even though it may take twice as long to write your story or get through the book--read everything you can get your hands on and write down absolutely everything that comes to mind.
It just might get you where you need to be.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

A fun week.

Well I have finished my first week of college! It was a blast! I have great classes, and awesome teachers. My roommates are the best too. We all get along great! I feel bad though. One of my roommates seems to be keeping our dorm clean and I have done very little. She says she is fine doing it, but I'm going to step up the game so she isn't the only one doing the chores.

Well I have only been up here a little over a week, but I feel like it has been way longer. I am having so much fun up here! I miss some people from back home, but I guess that is what phone calling is for. Ever since I have been up here I seem to be doing a lot of sewing, more than I usually do. I also have been doing more cooking while up here. It is a great experience going to college. It makes you grow up fast because you are in charge of your own life, and you need to step up the game to take care of yourself and sometimes those around you. Just kidding. Well that's all for now.

A Week of Awesomeness!!

Hello everyone!

I just finished my first week of College!  It was exhausting, terrifying, and crazy!  It was amazing.  I had always thought that college students had more time.  So not true.  I only wish I had the time I used to have. Yesterday I was so tired that I took a five hour nap.  Then last night I slept for twelve hours.  I think I might be catching up on my sleep.  Maybe.

Anyway, at my college there are certain courses that everyone needs to take.  In my English class that everyone needs to take, I am the only English major.  It is rather interesting, but I love the class.  All of my classes seem to be great, but I suppose that only time will tell if the first impressions are true or not.

I'm sorry it has been very quiet on the blog lately.  I have told Jassy and Arika that they need to write. . . but do they?  Nooooo. . . ( I still love you guys!)

Anyway, it is official.  I am the last girl in my apartment (there are four in total) to be asked out.  As in, it has yet to happen.  Am I super bothered?  No, not really.  Would it be nice? Sure, but I suppose that on the weekends that my roommates are out on dates I can cozy up to my laptop and make a date with my book.  It sounds like a good idea anyway.  I really need to start writing again.  I wrote a chapter yesterday and forgot how much I love it.

It seems that feeling happens every time I write.  I keep thinking that I will get bored with it, but I haven't yet.  Sure, there have been points where I don't necessarily want to write, but that doesn't mean that I don't like it.  If that makes any sense.  Anyway, I promise to do my best to make sure that Arika and Jassy start writing more.  Otherwise this whole blog will be more of Aiden's brain vomit.

I hope you all have a great weekend!


Sunday, September 4, 2011

Bathroom Tendencies

Good Evening,

I have come to realize that all of us have certain things we do, perhaps without realizing it.  It was yesterday that I realized one of my weird quirks.
When I use a public restroom, there are certain rituals I go through first.

1. Lock the stall (very important and I hope you all do the same)
2. Hang my purse, jacket, etc on the hook.
3. Rip off a 6in piece of toilet paper and throw it in the toilet.
4. Cover the toilet with the covers or toilet paper.
5. Do my business.
6. If there happens to be someone in the stall next to me, I will study their feet.

I know, this is strange.  Is just who I am.  Let me explain.  The first two seem like a logical plan for going to the bathroom in unknown territory.  The others. . . besides number 5 of course seem perhaps a little out of the ordinary.

I rip off half a foot or so becuase I am scared by germs.  Someone else used the bathroom before it, and most likely they used their hands to tear the toilet paper.  Hands = Germs.

 Then, I take even more precaution by covering the porcelain God.

The whole foot thing, I realize is funny, or strange, or crazy.  But honestly, it is interesting, and you can learn a lot about a person by studying a rather insignificant piece of their anatomy while they are preocupied with rather urgent matters.  Sometimes, they will flex their toes, or stand on their tip toes, or even, tap out a rythmn.  Though to what I have no idea. I'm not sure if I want to know. 

So there you have a peek into something that I do without even realizing it.  It is rather strange, but it's a part of who I am.  :) 

Saturday was my last day home, and I'm now traveling with my parents! I should be up at school on Thursday for orientation, and then classes start on Monday! Craziness.  I hope you all have a great weekend, and I hope that at some point you will take a moment to remember those who died on 9/11.  Never forget America!


Sunday, August 28, 2011

My Turn

Well I guess it is my turn now. I'm a little late in this post. I was supposed to post it yesterday, but I got busy and had other things on my mind.
Anyway, my name is Jassy. I am a blonde. Only on the outside though...well occasionally on the inside as well (edited by Aiden to say: She is always blonde!!). I am the fun younger sister of the group. I'm not that much younger though. I am really outgoing, and love to have fun. I am a little mischievous...ok a lot...always. I am very protective over my friends and family, so be warned if you hurt any of them, I will hunt you down. It helps that I am a spy and hacked into NASA when I was five to borrow some information to help for my science project. Just kidding. Don't tell anyone that. I am a huge goof though and love to laugh.
As was said before, I'm heading up to college next week!!!! I'm just a little excited ;). Aiden and I will be rooming together and trying our best not to kill each other. Arika has already started college so she has just a little bit of a head start on us.
Well I guess thats it for me. Till next time.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Dress Rehersal

So. . .  I am in a wonderful city, visiting my wonderful grandfather for the last time until Christmas.  You see, I am leaving for college within the next week so I won't exactly be available for visits for a while.  (I hear being a freshman can be stressful.) 

I figure that since I'm already missing my sisters, the separation will be even more dreadful when I actually am not just a few hours away from them, but a whole day!!  Since Jassy and I are rooming together, I'm sure we will see more of each other than we really want to, but Arika and I are the twins, and really close, and not going to see each other for a while.

As Arika said in her post yesterday, this blog will be a way to keep in touch, so that will be good.  Skype is yet another way. . . And I was recently informed that Facebook has a new video chat!  How  cool is that??

So, I guess I will just have to live with it, and know that even though Arika may be far apart from Jassy and me, we are always close because of the words we spin together in our imagination.  And, not to mention that we will continue seeing each other for years to come.  I love you guys!

OK, enough mushy stuff. 

Jassy convinced me to watch a 1992 Disney musical: Newsies.


Seriously, go watch it now!

The music is great, characters are even greater (especially Spot Conlon), and the plot is amazing!  It shows that with friends, and faith in yourself and each other, anything is possible! 

Well, all for now.  Have a great day!


Thursday, August 25, 2011

A little background never hurts

As Aiden so artfully mentioned, I am Arika. I, like my sisters, am a writer to the very core; heck, not even college classes stop me! ... although they probably should.
So, a little background:
I am a ravenclaw, my patronus is a butterfly, my spirit animals are butterfly and jaguar, I always have a direct link to narnia, my imagination is fueled by emotion and music, my name means 'waterfall' (captivating--but dangerous!) and I'm a spy by trade, (I'd tell you more but, well, you know)
... Ok so that may not actually all be true, but each of those details helps to describe me. So even if I haven't been to Hogwarts, can't find the wardrobe, and have yet to contact the CIA, those are more personality traits than anything else.
Aiden mentioned also that I beat them to college; well I did, much to my disappointment. But silly things like that don't get in the way of connections, and this is a big one.
In the mean time... peace out!


So. . .  I have always found introductions to be very awkward, but at the same time, it seems that when technology is used, a whole lot of the awkwardness leaves!  So here, I am.

My name is Aiden (at least here. . . visit and I will tell you otherwise).  My sisters are Arika and Jassy.  Arika and I are totally twins (in our heads anyway) and Jassy. . . well Jassy is just Jassy.

We are all starting college soon!! Yea us!  OK, so Arika has got a head start on us. . .  Anyway, so we have decided to give you a unique perspective on college life for (still) teen writers.  Jassy and I are going to the same college and rooming together (we hope we don't kill each other. . . hehe. . . seriously).

My sisters and I haven't quite figured out who will post when, so it may never be fully established, but trust us, when something interesting (read: funny, crazy, scary, etc) happens to us, this blog is where you will find it.

Have a great day!!
