Thursday, October 13, 2011

Am I Actually In An Asylum?

There comes a time when people become crazy.

That time has come and gone my friends.

Just ask Jassy.  Yesterday, I was stressing, because school especially school in college is hard.  There are two ways that I deal with stress.  1.  I withdraw into myself, and don't like talking to anyone, and if anyone talks to me, I try to not acknowledge their existence.  It seems to work wonders for me.  2. I get excessively hyper.  i.e., jumping and landing on two couches in our apartment  that are pushed together to resemble a boat resulting in a massive headache.  Singing obnoxiously along with my ipod, etc. Luckily, my other roommates weren't there to witness the crazy, and only Jassy had to endure.  Honestly, I didn't think it was that bad.  Until we started having a tickle war.

Jassy's shoulder was hurting her, so I offered to punch her shoulder to see if there were bones that needed cracking.  She agreed and then was promptly on the floor. Apparently my right hook is stronger than I knew.

In my religion class there is a guy that looks a lot like Robert  (AKA Edward Cullen), but much much much cuter.  Next time for that class, I am not going to be ashamed nor embarrassed when I go up proudly to ask if I can get a picture with him.

Today, I saw no less than three (updated to say 7) squished Lady Bugs on the sidewalk, which is horrible because they are the sweetest little bugs ever!

Also today, as a result of being rather tired, I go into the building my next class is and wait for the previous one to be released.  I wait for half an hour thinking they are going far overtime when I realize that I am an hour early.  Talk about annoying!  I could have been doing homework, or sleeping, but mostly sleeping!

I feel that I am the only one writing on this blog, so Jassy, Arika, and I are going to have a little talk (read: discussion, pep talk, death threats etc).  :)  Have a great day!

BTW, newest Work In Progress (WIP) is currently at 25,000 words.  Almost halfway through.  Talk about awesome.  This will be book #8.  I know, I am excited too!



Yesterday, we had an interesting experience with a bee.  Roommate 1 opened the door to go to the laundromat when a bee, seeking refuge, came tearing into our living room.  Roommate 2 and I screamed like girls, because we are girls.  Jassy, Roommate 2, and I promptly picked up pillows and started swinging.  The bee followed me into a corner of the kitchen.  I screamed.  Roommate 2 bravely said, "I'll save you." while picking up a cardboard box from the trash and waving it wildly over her head like a machete.  As soon as the bee came for her, she dropped like a sack of potatoes to the floor and army crawled from the scene.  Jassy was gone to get the camera so I took the cardboard and struck the bee with all my might.  It was still alive, but not able to fly.  Then I quickly did a *smash smash* "I am WOMAN!!"  It was stuck on the cardboard and as I went outside to throw it do the ground, its wings started working again.  I dropped it like a grenade and ran into the house (but if it was really a grenade, I would have died from the close proximity, so I probably wouldn't have dropped a real grenade, it's totally just an expression, just saying).  Jassy bravely went out when we determined it could still not fly and shook it over the edge.  We are alive and healthy, I have still yet to find out if I am allergic to bee stings.  (In hindsight, I'm thinking that swinging at the be might have made it madder.  Oops, I'll have to remember that for next time (Jassy: Next time???))

So many things happen after I write the post, maybe I should learn to wait until the day is over.  But then again, the day is never over!


  1. This was very cute. I hope someone's shoulder is ok ;) BTW what does the little "+1" mean that is at the bottom of the post?

  2. It means, if you press it, that you like it, or are giving it extra point, kind of like Facebook. :)

  3. The bee funny. When you write like this, I just laugh...a lot. Keep it up.
    So should I press it, if I like said somewhere that my name will show up...I don't want it going viral (right word?).
