Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Blogging for Class. Seriously

So, in my American Foundations Class, we are required to start a blog that is only for that class.  I believe that many of our assignments consist of essays that we write for American Foundations being posted on our blog.  So without further ado, I give you FreedomColors.  I think it is cool looking.  That is all.


Thursday, September 22, 2011

Sleep, time, and other things I don't remember

Honestly, I thought college students were supposed to have more time. . .  apparently not.  I call this stupid.  You might call it life.  I will lay out my schedule for you.

Monday: Math
Tuesday: English, Science, American Foundations
Wednesday: Math, Bible Study, English
Tuesday: English, Science, American Foundations
Friday: Math, Bible Study (online)

I have an easy day, technically.  I don't have more than four classes on any given day and on Monday, I really only have one class. Why is it that I feel as if I have no time.  It is probably because I have to be responsible for now.  I have to do my own laundry (I have been doing that for a long time now) at a laundromat, I have to shop for and buy my own food, I have to worry about a million assignments as well as getting good grades so hopefully I will be able to keep my scholarship up.

College life is hard, but it is rewarding.  It is a strange thing.  When I am really busy, I don't have a lot of time to see the negative that creeps into my life.  I consider this a plus.  I haven't had much time to worry what my mom is doing to my room in my absence, or about anything else really.  I have been single minded for the past few weeks, and it is a great feeling.

If you feel the need to let lose some things you feel you made need to do, fill up your schedule, they will disappear pretty easily.  I hope you all have a great rest of the week.


Monday, September 19, 2011

The MOST important part of writing

Soooooooooooo................. I'm late! By, like, a lot actually, I just remembered this morning (sorry).
Aiden and Jassy are gone, left, just like that ;'(...... You know that song in Shrek that Donkey sings? I'm all alone, with no one here beside me..... But you gotta have friends--
ehemm... yea just like that....
Anyway, I've got Skype and some plane tickets so I think I just might make it through Christmas.
On to the title!
As I constantly am reminded, one of the most important parts of being a good writer is to read many many books to learn techniques and styles that other writers use. I just recently got two brand-spanken-new books, and I have fallen in love with them.
But at the same time, I am writing my own story. Aiden will probably try to long distance strangle me, but it is a new idea I'm pretty sure I came up with all on my own... well my subconscious (sp?) did anyway when it put me through an amazing dream that made me feel happy and curious all at the same time.
The point is, after I read those two books, I found it even easier to write, even though my story has absolutely nothing in the world to do with those two stories.
So, moral of the story, even though it may take twice as long to write your story or get through the book--read everything you can get your hands on and write down absolutely everything that comes to mind.
It just might get you where you need to be.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

A fun week.

Well I have finished my first week of college! It was a blast! I have great classes, and awesome teachers. My roommates are the best too. We all get along great! I feel bad though. One of my roommates seems to be keeping our dorm clean and I have done very little. She says she is fine doing it, but I'm going to step up the game so she isn't the only one doing the chores.

Well I have only been up here a little over a week, but I feel like it has been way longer. I am having so much fun up here! I miss some people from back home, but I guess that is what phone calling is for. Ever since I have been up here I seem to be doing a lot of sewing, more than I usually do. I also have been doing more cooking while up here. It is a great experience going to college. It makes you grow up fast because you are in charge of your own life, and you need to step up the game to take care of yourself and sometimes those around you. Just kidding. Well that's all for now.

A Week of Awesomeness!!

Hello everyone!

I just finished my first week of College!  It was exhausting, terrifying, and crazy!  It was amazing.  I had always thought that college students had more time.  So not true.  I only wish I had the time I used to have. Yesterday I was so tired that I took a five hour nap.  Then last night I slept for twelve hours.  I think I might be catching up on my sleep.  Maybe.

Anyway, at my college there are certain courses that everyone needs to take.  In my English class that everyone needs to take, I am the only English major.  It is rather interesting, but I love the class.  All of my classes seem to be great, but I suppose that only time will tell if the first impressions are true or not.

I'm sorry it has been very quiet on the blog lately.  I have told Jassy and Arika that they need to write. . . but do they?  Nooooo. . . ( I still love you guys!)

Anyway, it is official.  I am the last girl in my apartment (there are four in total) to be asked out.  As in, it has yet to happen.  Am I super bothered?  No, not really.  Would it be nice? Sure, but I suppose that on the weekends that my roommates are out on dates I can cozy up to my laptop and make a date with my book.  It sounds like a good idea anyway.  I really need to start writing again.  I wrote a chapter yesterday and forgot how much I love it.

It seems that feeling happens every time I write.  I keep thinking that I will get bored with it, but I haven't yet.  Sure, there have been points where I don't necessarily want to write, but that doesn't mean that I don't like it.  If that makes any sense.  Anyway, I promise to do my best to make sure that Arika and Jassy start writing more.  Otherwise this whole blog will be more of Aiden's brain vomit.

I hope you all have a great weekend!


Sunday, September 4, 2011

Bathroom Tendencies

Good Evening,

I have come to realize that all of us have certain things we do, perhaps without realizing it.  It was yesterday that I realized one of my weird quirks.
When I use a public restroom, there are certain rituals I go through first.

1. Lock the stall (very important and I hope you all do the same)
2. Hang my purse, jacket, etc on the hook.
3. Rip off a 6in piece of toilet paper and throw it in the toilet.
4. Cover the toilet with the covers or toilet paper.
5. Do my business.
6. If there happens to be someone in the stall next to me, I will study their feet.

I know, this is strange.  Is just who I am.  Let me explain.  The first two seem like a logical plan for going to the bathroom in unknown territory.  The others. . . besides number 5 of course seem perhaps a little out of the ordinary.

I rip off half a foot or so becuase I am scared by germs.  Someone else used the bathroom before it, and most likely they used their hands to tear the toilet paper.  Hands = Germs.

 Then, I take even more precaution by covering the porcelain God.

The whole foot thing, I realize is funny, or strange, or crazy.  But honestly, it is interesting, and you can learn a lot about a person by studying a rather insignificant piece of their anatomy while they are preocupied with rather urgent matters.  Sometimes, they will flex their toes, or stand on their tip toes, or even, tap out a rythmn.  Though to what I have no idea. I'm not sure if I want to know. 

So there you have a peek into something that I do without even realizing it.  It is rather strange, but it's a part of who I am.  :) 

Saturday was my last day home, and I'm now traveling with my parents! I should be up at school on Thursday for orientation, and then classes start on Monday! Craziness.  I hope you all have a great weekend, and I hope that at some point you will take a moment to remember those who died on 9/11.  Never forget America!
