Thursday, August 30, 2012

The End Draws Near! :(

Well my summer is finally drawing to an end, and with it my time to spend with my family and friends. For the past week I have been hanging out with my sister. She just left for Japan on Wednesday, and made it there safely. She is already enjoying herself. I am envious of her. I think it would be a blast to go to Japan. Oh well I will survive. I will miss her though.
Also I leave for college next week. I am excited to be going back up to Idaho though. I can't wait to continue my education. It is my goal to get straight A's this year. Will it happen? Who knows. I will let you guys know though on my progress throughout the year. I will miss seeing both my sisters in person though. At least I will have Aiden with me. And I can always text Arika or Skype her!
Oh something else that's new, I CUT MY HAIR! yes my beautiful, long, blonde hair was chopped to my shoulders! Now why do that I bet your wondering. The answer is simple, I wanted to try something new. I like it. I will probably still grow my hair out because I love long hair!
Well until next time

Monday, August 13, 2012

Rain, rain, come and stay

Well folks, I'm not sure if you realize this, but I live in a desert. So, naturally, it's gets really dry.
And REALLY hot.
A lot.
Today, however (ok, technically this whole weekend) we have had a few small respites for the dry heat, even if the alternative was humidity out the wazoo. Right now though, it's raining, and I'm out on my porch, enjoying the parade of sensations.
Speaking of which, I recently discovered the Briggs Myers test. It's a personality test which assigns one of sixteen personality types at the conclusion. Theoretically, this won't tell you anything you don't already know, it just puts it into words. Well, as is my habit, I asked several of my closest friends to take it and tell me their result.
Apparently, I hang out with a lot of like minded people, none of whom are like me.
I am an ENFJ, which stands for Extrovert, iNtuitive, Feeling, Judging. Feel free to go read the Wikipedia page on ENFJs, it describes me pretty well. Out of the six people I asked who responded, four were ISTJ (one, however, was apparently evenly between ISTJ and ISTP). Still, needless to say, I was quite surprised by the results.
(Side note, the rain just got really, really heavy, and now there's thunder above us!)
Back to the story, the funny thing is, all of them fit it, really well, but in their own way. The Myers Briggs is definitely something to consider exploring.
Also, I watched the perseid meteor shower the past two nights, and my goodness! What sights! I was thoroughly impressed by the light show, but it was even better because last night I experienced it with a few fantastic friends. I didn't wish on any of them, that seemed like cheating. But just because I wasn't wishing on the stars doesn't mean I wasn't praying for something to happen ;)
Let's just hope it comes true.
Best wishes and lots of rain,
Arika :)

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Sometimes . . .

Sometimes I want to eat an entire See's Candy store.
Sometimes I want to have a different life.
Sometimes I wish I was popular.
Sometimes I wish I was better looking.
Sometimes I wish I wasn't as judgmental
Sometimes I don't want to be preoccupied with what others *might* think of me.
Sometimes I don't write for weeks on end.
Sometimes I cry because of family problems.
Sometimes I don't want to be here anymore.
Sometimes I wish I told people in my *real* life that I have 11 books written so they wouldn't think I was a waste of space.
Sometimes I don't want people to say they think I'm perfect just the way I am because I know that's not true.
Sometimes I wish I had a better style, looked better in my favorite clothes, etc.
Sometimes I wish I had a prettier smile.

But then,

Sometimes I want to scarf down vegetables and fruits because I know that's what my body really wants. 
Sometimes I'm grateful for the life I have been given.
Sometimes I remember that being an introvert is okay.
Sometimes I glad to have a working body with limited handicaps when others who are not as blessed make more out of it than I do.
Sometimes I remember that I'm judgemental becuase of people who have hurt me and I can always become better.
Sometimes I remind myself that really, it doesn't matter what people think as long as I like myself. 
Sometimes I write 10,000 words for a new novel in a day and stay on a steady schedule of 5,000 words a day.
Sometimes I remember the good times I can have with my family in the future.
Sometimes I can't imagine not living on the earth at this time.
Sometimes I remember that I can surprise everyone when they do find out about my books and enjoy reading them. 
Sometimes I'm grateful for people's comments.
Sometimes I remember that I feel comfortable with what I wear and that's good because it's me.
Sometimes I smile for no reason other than the fact that I'm alive. 

Sometimes I'm sad.
Sometimes I'm happy.

But all the time, I am me.


Friday, August 3, 2012

Let's Be Honest: Part Two

I'm home. 

I know, it's true. 

And, I got a B+ in my Science Class!!!!!   *Shoot Confetti Everywhere*

I got a full tuition scholarship for my next year!!!  *Woot Woot* 

I can't even begin to write how much that meant to me.  I have worked so hard on my grades to get that scholarship since school is expensive and all that.  Next, have I been writing?  No.  I will admit I wrote about a paragraph.  But, honestly, I don't think I'm quite ready for writing again yet.  Since I've been home, there has been an enormous amount of stress and I'm still trying to figure out how to deal with it all.

Writing would be a huge help to me, but at the same time, I know I need to get to a healthy place first before I can do everything I love. 

Tired.  I am so tired it's ridiculous.  I have been getting up at 5:00 in the morning this entire week so I could go running with my sister.  It's been great to get up early, but I think I needed a break which is why I slept in until 7:45 this morning.  I know, I really take a vacation when I want to. :)

Tomorrow I will have to see if I feel up to running, though of course I want to. 

Also, I start work again on Monday.  I am happy because I have a job when so many are a lot less fortunate. 

Anyway, that is all for now.  Hopefully Jassy will be able to come to my house later today or tomorrow.  Arika, Jassy, a couple other friends, and I were able to come to my house to swim on Wednesday which was really very fun.  I hope we do it again sometime before the Summer is gone. 

Have a great week. 
