Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Story of How the Sisters Met


So, I'm not feeling very good today.  In truth, I'm totally done with school and am excited for a long break.  Then again, 18 months serving the Lord isn't likely to be the break I'm exactly looking for, but that's okay.

I was thinking a lot about Jassy and Arika for the past little while and then I tried to remember how we actually met each other.  I suppose it's sort of funny, but here it goes.

Now, this part I'm not too familiar with it because I wasn't present.  Regardless, Jassy and Arika met each other in Elementary school and got along quite well.  I was not that lucky, then again, maybe how we met each other was for the best.

Jassy and I met each other in High School (ninth grade)  during our first German Class.  It was there that I met Max for the first time as well.  Honestly, I think we all joined together because we are all members of the same church and we sort of have that sixth sense.

The conversation went something like this:

Jassy: Hi, you're Aiden right?
Aiden: Yeah, and you're Jasmine? (I was a little uncertain because I had always seen Jassy at a distance and she was just plain weird.(: )
Jassy:  I bet this class will be a lot of fun.
Aiden: Yeah, the teacher seems super cool.  At least she won't bite us.
Jassy: I've bitten a kid before.
Jassy: It was in Middle School.  He tried to take me off the gym bars and when his arm reached across my vision I bit it. I got detention.  Oh well.  *Grins evily*
Aiden: *Scoots away from her*

And that was how our fabulous relationship was born. Surprisingly we got along quite well.  We found out that we both have quirks and those quirks were reciprocal to each other, and that was great.

Then we found out that we had Honors Biology with Arika.  It wasn't until a few months later that we also discovered that for the second semester we all had P.E. and then Biology.  It was fine until I felt that Arika was pulling my newfound away from me.

That's right, I was surpremely jealous of Arika.  She was the reason I didn't have Jassy to myself anymore.  Let me tell you, that was really hard becaseu Arika was pretty much amazingly funny and nice, but I coudln't like her, and I am ashamed to say that for a few days I didn't really like her.

Then I'm pretty sure we talked about Harry Potter, or some other book series that only we had a supreme passion for.  I figured out that she was pretty much amazing and a great person.

While we were friends, it wasn't until Junior year that we became insanely close and were asked a few times if we were twins, and if not, if we were at least sisters. I found that she is literally my twin.  I am passionate about things and am not much for calm negotiations while Arika is all about calm discourse and is still passionate in her own ways.

Arika and Jassy are my go-to girls.  Jassy and I roomed toggether our first semester and now we are roommates.  We have decided to have an NCIS night (which we WILL honor) and just set time aside to talk. I know that I can talk to them about anything and they will listen and help me out, even just be there to hug me or hold my hand.

So while we all had our own versions of the first impressions (being that Jassy was weird and Arika was stealing one of my friends), I'm glad for the way things played out because it is what brought us together.  It doesn't seem adequate, but you guys are my sisters by pen and nothing can tear that apart.  As I write this I'm wearing my fire bracelet and smiling hugely.

Thank you for being with me through the good and bad.  It means a lot, and know that I will always be here for you.

Love you!

Have a great day. :)



  1. I think we technically met in Geography, but I've blocked a lot of that class from my memory. I just remember the two trouble makers and that poor teacher XD

  2. Technically we did, but yeah, hardly remember it. The main time was Bio and P.E.

  3. We need to honor our NCIS agreement!!!!!!! We forgot to yesterday :(
