Thursday, January 5, 2012

That post-holiday madness

So, Christmas and New Years has come and gone, yet again, and I am writing this post from my *drumroll* BRAND SPANKING NEW IPAD!!! *crash of the cymbals*. And I've already found out that, when writing you should never ever touch the UNDO button, because the beautiful sentence you just spent time building is GONE--FOREVER! (ok, technically, not forever, but the odds of me remembering an exact sentence I have not written down and repeated several times is low to none)
And I haven't written on here in a while... Sorry... He he he....
So, I spent the new years doing something quite admirable: I told someone how I truthfully felt about them (note the past tense). I should probably mention that the person was drunk and brought the conversation on themselves. But anyway, the reason I mention this is not because I'm still thinking about what was quite possibly the weirdest conversation I've ever had, but for two other reasons: 1, that was my first time telling someone I liked them without knowing with a high certainty that said person liked me back, and 2, when the conversation was done, I didn't feel embarrassed--I felt like I had a huge release, and I felt fantastic!
So moral of the story: if it won't cause some huge, apocalyptic ending to your life (be it physical, mental or social) tell the truth. It feels so fantastic, it's worth it.
Also, for a brief time over the holidays, I had both of my sisters back home!!! It was so wonderful to see Jazzy again, and I'll miss her so much over the next few months :'( But on the bright side, I have Aiden back for the next four months!! :)
Talk to you later!!
P.S. because I read the other posts afterwards XD my new years resolutions include living an overall healthier life, being an honest, good person, and working hard in order to get into a four year come two years from now :)
Ta ta for now!!


  1. I tried to write a comment with my dad's iPad (to show how cool I was), but then I would have had to log in and write it out. . . . I decided it would be too much work! :)

  2. Hahaha! So close! XD we almost had two iPads!!
