Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Long time, readers!!
It has certainly been a while since I last updated (my apologies), but I am back with all new info!
So my most current work is based on a dream I had many months ago. It was a...reassuring dream, because even though I was stuck in what is probably the world's strangest maze, I ended up running into one of my best friends who helped me out of the maze and calmed me down at the same time. So, in short, I was happy :)
Then, a few weeks ago, I had another dream, but this was one slightly more worrying, and I wasn't nearly as relaxed. But--and it's a big one!--when i thought it through, I realized that I could connected almost seemlessly with my current work, and it actually gave the first story the resolution it needed! I was very surprised, and very happy. :)
So, i suppose the moral of this story is that, even if you think that the story is complete, don't close all of your options. I don't mean continue it because you think you have to, because that just leads to crappy sequels. But when you get something that fits, don't let it go.
So there you go.
Also, I am seriously excited because I'M GOING TO GET MY SISTERS BACK THIS MONTH!!!!!!!!!!! :D I'M SO HAPPY!!!!
Arika :)

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