Saturday, January 21, 2012


Throwing up sucks. Period.
Anyway, I had a profound moment last night, although I didn't realize it until after I was home, safe and warm in my bed. See, I have this shirt, definitely a soho shirt, completely chiffon and totally loose. I love it! Well, I was wearing said shirt last night, with my lettermans because it was windy outside. Well, as the night wore on, my friends and I ended up at a park, and I began to feel like my jacket was too bulky and really more of a barrier. So I took it off and put it in my car.
Then, it was like I had unlocked some event! I could feel the wind brushing over my skin, smell the thick scent of rain, and see the beautiful midnight sky. I felt completely intune with nature-- I felt like dancing to the music I could suddenly feel in my soul. It was amazing!
But I didn't realize it untl later, when I was explaining to a friend why I hadn't been wearing a jacket. When it happened, I just felt happy, and I can't really ask for more.
I think moments like this happen all the time, we just don't notice the gravity of the event until later. Still, enjoy it while you can :)

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