Saturday, January 7, 2012

Mediator Series!

Oh how I love books.  They are honestly my best friends (don't tell Jassy and Arika).  It seems that no matter what problem I am dealing with currently in my life, I am able to get through it by reading.  Why is that?  Oh you know, after reading a book with a hero or heroine whose problems are much worse than mine seem to put mine in perspective.

Currently I've been reading The Mediator Series by Meg Cabot.  If there was one author I would like to be like it would be her.  She is funny, sarcastic, and an amazing writer. What else do you need really?

Anyway, I recently finished the third book in the series Reunion.  But before I tell you about it, I better talk about the first and second books.

Shadowland starts out just as any great YA book does.  The main character is Suze (shortened form of Susannah).  She seems like a normal young woman, except of course, for the fact that she can see and speak to the dead.  See, Suze is a Mediator.  It is her job to help Ghosts finish whatever business they didn't get to in their life.  It isn't exactly all bunnies and happy meals, as the reader comes to find.  Not to mention the fact there is a really hot ghost named Jesse who haunts Suze's bedroom.  Oh mom, don't worry, nothing bad (read: immoral) happens.  Jesse was born in the 1800's so his morals are off the chart.  On top of that,  her mom remarried and moved them across the country to live with her new husband (who comes fully stocked with three sons).  Of course there is a girl who died recently, and whose job is it to take care of her?  That's right, Suze. The only problem?  This girl is on the hunt for blood, and it's up to Suze to stop her in her tracks.

The next book in the series, Ninth Key, starts fairly soon after the first ends.  And despite of Suze's rather tough attitude, she is one of the most popular girls in school.  It certainly helps that she helps the weak and the defenseless.  Unfortunately, she has bigger problems than how to juggle her school life with her home life.  One of them being her personal life.  Specifically, the possibility that the guy she recently went out with, Tad, is totally fixated on sports, can't remember her name, and oh yeah, might possibly have a vampire as a father.  But when Suze looks into it, it seems that Red Beaumont may be the real thing, with real people's deaths being his fault.  How's that for a parent interview.  Suze must solve all sorts of clues, and make sure that Tad asks her to Prom (though she really has a thing for Jesse, the guy that still 'haunts' her bedroom), even if she is planning on staking his dad.

Finally, the most recent book in the series I've read is Reunion.  Sure enough, recently, four teenagers, nicknamed the RLS angels, died in a car accident after a school dance.  But when they begin looking for someone, someone they are intent on killing, Suze decides to step in.  It seems after talking with the Angles, Suze can't help but feel suspicious the other party in the car accident might have murder on his hands, and he's just getting warmed up.

If you haven't read these books, please do yourself a favor and do.  They are great fun to read and to talk about.  Not to mention, it's helpful that Jesse is the perfect ghost. I only wish I was a mediator.  Sometimes.  :)

Onto other news, Jassy is gone.  Back to college. I miss her a lot, but we have Skype, so it's not as bad.  Not to mention, I get to hang out with Arika a lot more often since I am back home until April.

Well, that's all for me! Have a great weekend.  I hope you don't see too many ghosts.



  1. This a very good series... That I never finished......

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