Monday, January 9, 2012

Three in a week?! What madness!!

That's right, three posts in one week. Someone hit me with the blog bug!!
Anyway, this post is entirely about a funny quirk of mine--there isn't going to be a moral. Anyway, I have this habit of immediately picking up on patterns. Now you might be saying "Arika, there's no problem with picking up patterns; in fact it's probably very useful!" to which I would reply, "Right you are, Stranger! But you have yet to enter my mind!" When I pick up patterns, they are generally the parallels that leave me feel like a totally obsessive freak/nerd/geek. Take, for instance, when Aiden, Jassy, myself, and a very close male friend of ours we will refer to merely as Max, all chose our immediate colleges, the result was, of course, Aiden and Jassy going to one while Max and I stayed at the community college. Now, let me add the tidbit that, at the time, both Aiden and Jassy would have preferred entering Gryfindor, while Max and I knew we belonged in Ravenclaw. Coincidence? I think not!!
See? I'm a nerd.
Anyway, I only mention this because I suddenly started looking at powderpuff girls again this morning. In the past, I have always been considered blossomish, so, for a rare occasion, I wore pink.
Now, as anyone who watched the power puff girls will remember, the girls had opposites known as the rowdy ruff boys. Well, when I went to work, I thought it would be fairly hilarious if the guy I'm currently confused about wore red, like Brick, Blossom's opposite.
I bet you'll never guess what happened.
That's right, he wore red.
COINCIDENCE?!?! Yea, probably; but for a minute, I had the worse case of jawdrop on earth. Good thing he didn't see it, otherwise he would have been just as confused as I was.
See where patterns lead?

Btw, if anyone is confused about the spelling when it comes to the powerpuff girls, I apologize, my iPad seems to refuse to land the cursor on the correct line, so I can't fix it. But I'm sure you know what I mean :)
Until next time,


  1. But . . . I was placed in Ravenclaw and Arika was placed in Slytherin. :) I think I got placed into Ravenclaw because I was more afraid of being called ignorant more than a coward. Who knows. I think having a Sorting Hat would be easier!

  2. If only potter more would open!!!!!
