Friday, January 6, 2012

It must be the end of the world!!

Because I'm actually writing two posts in a row!!! *gasp*
I know, I know, this crazy talk, but really, it is me. I have apparently worked too much this week, so now I'm not allowed in until 2:30....
Details aside, today is an important day! January 6th is the epiphany! And that is the extent of my biblical knowledge on the subject...nim not very well versed, he he he...... Anyway, aside from the three wise men visiting baby Jesus (ha, caught you there, didn't I?!) today marks the end of the twelve days of Christmas, so the holiday season is officially over. That means no more Christmas lights or decorations, no more of that amazing spirit that normally takes hold of your heart and mind for one fabulous month. Now we get into the depths of winter-- the cold, heartless period. Well, heartless until everyone gets lovey dovey in February.
And yet...
The skies are beautifully clear, and with the long nights, star gazing has become my favorite pastime. Last night, when I looked up at Orion, I found that I could clearly see the red color of Betelgeuse and the blue of Rigel. To see the colors so clearly without a telescope and not outside of the atmosphere is rare. I felt so happy for that brief moment, I wanted this winter to last and last.
Never forget how beautiful the little things are, like looking at the stars. It makes the bad things seem that much better.

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