Tuesday, October 23, 2012

My Oath, and where life leads

Even though this was probably made apparent in last week's post...

Ok, so, we all know that when it comes to my family (note, this is my definition of family, which extends far beyond my bloodline) I would do absolutely anything for them. Well, this doesn't surprise me, I'm extremely proud of this trait, and I work my hardest to maintain my family's happiness.
Well I found a song a couple of weeks ago that I think puts my quest perfectly into words:

All the scars we share,
I promise, I swear!

Where ever you go, just always remember
That you've got a home, for now and forever
And if you get low, just call me whenever
This my oath to you!
Where ever you go, just always remember
You're never alone, we're birds of a feather
And we'll never change, no matter the weather
This is my oath to you! 

That is "Oath" by Cher Lloyd. I love that chorus, and I've decided to make it my oath. So here in writing, I hereby decree, that no matter how far away we are, no matter how much time has passed, if you have a problem, or the world is falling apart, or all you need is a hug, or kind words, or a terrible joke, I am here for you, forever. If I can't answer your call or text right away, I will work that much harder to make sure you're ok, or make the joke you need that much more groan-inducing. I know that when I get my own place, my family will be welcome there whenever. (I can't say the same now, as my parent have a strong say in who comes to the house and when)
But this is my oath, and I will try everything in my power to uphold it.

Also, it looks like I'll be taking seven (count them--seven!!) classes next semester. Dear God, that is gonna be a toughie. I'm quitting my job in January, and I have a feeling my social life will be heavily affected. But: this is a challenge I feel needs to be faced. Others (including my dear sisters, one of whom has already taken an almost equally ridiculous amount of credits) may think I am unbelievably bonkers, and I know for certain that this will be a one time thing, but I'm going to do it, and work as hard as I can to keep my head above the water.
Honestly though, I'm really scared. Next semester is the beginning of the change: I will leave my job behind, focus entirely on classes, and then, come May, begin the process of leaving everything I've known for the past ten years behind as well. I'm not scared of the things coming--I'm incredibly excited to move to a four-year--I'm afraid of the imminent change. I always have been, even if I accept the inevitability of it now. It's probably the source of my anxiety attacks; who knew an idea could be so terrifying?

We were strangers, starting out on a journey
Never dreaming what we'd have to go through.
Now here we are, and I'm suddenly standing
At the beginning with you. 

Cuz, you make me feel so right
Even when it's so wrong
I wanna scream out loud boy
But I just bite my tongue
This is for the girls messing with boys
Like he's the melody and she's background noise
Baby why can't you see?
It feels so good, but you're so bad for me.

Everybody's looking for that something
The one thing that makes it all complete
You'll find it in the strangest places
Places you never thought it would be
Some find it in the face of their children
Some find it in their lovers eyes
Who can deny the joy it brings?
When you've found that special thing
You're flying without wings.

Well for me it's waking up beside you
To see the sun rise on your face
To know that I can say I love you
At any given time or place
It's the little things that only I know
Those are things that make you mine
And it's like flying without wings
You're my special thing
I'm flying without wings.
Cuz that's the joy you bring.
I'm flying without wings. 

That's it for me today.
Arika :) 

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