Thursday, October 11, 2012


Ha! I bet you thought I forgot, didn't you?!
Whether I did or not is irrelevant, because I remembered!!
Anyway, my stress relieving method continues to be a worthwhile, if not indescribable release. Life was great!
Really, truly, life still is fantastic, it just hiccuped.
On Friday, while out with my group of guy friends (because I am the only girl in my group as of right now who is still permanently settled in town) two things happened: first, I asked one of my guy friends to the USMC ball with me, as friends. He tentatively agreed, which is understandable if only because you never know for sure if he will attend something until he arrives there. Second, the same guy friend and I shared a cake, because we both wanted half. Understandable, right?
Apparently not.
Because on Saturday, while with a lightly larger group of the same friends, another guy friend (let's call him red, and the cake boy blue) texted me asking what was up between me and blue. Well, quite obviously, I was confused, until he elaborated that blue had told him about the ball, and well, we 'had' shared a cake. I assured red that blue and I are just friends. So he continued by saying that that was great, because he and ANOTHER friend (green) had been discussing the issue of my relationship with blue, and both agreed that he was leading me on.
Well that has put me in a bit of a spot. I love blue as my friend, and even though I used to long for the day that we would be together, I've realized that is never ever going to work! For one, due to outstanding circumstances, our relationship would have an expiration date. Second, we are two of the most stubborn people on the face of the planet when it comes to food preparation. Cooking and baking are a very important pastime to me, and to have anyone suggest that I'm doing something wrong puts me off--to have him do it makes me angrier.
And I thought I had made that clear--I know I told green outright. So now, I'm worried, mostly about what my friends are seeing when I'm with them.
But, at the same time, part of me just thinks they're over-reacting, and that I have no reason to worry.
So yeah, life hiccuped.
Two posts down and three more to go!! Let's hope I keep this up!!
Arika :)

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