Friday, April 20, 2012

Um . . . What's going on Blogger?

I skip the blog for a few weeks and I come back to an entire new layout.  Blogger, don't become like Facebook for the love of Heaven!!

Anyway, I thought I should let you know why I haven't written in a while.  Well, first off, a lot of things have happened.  I have been under quite a bit of stress, and I figured that while I can't change the reasons I became stressed, I could help to combat it by only writing when I really wanted.

Now some of you might be saying, "Come on Aiden, you always love to write.  You always talk about it here on the blog."

To which I would say, not necessarily.  Sure, I enjoy writing, but with the schedule I was keeping, I knew that in order to keep it up, I would have to give up food, sleep, or my life.  Since I didn't want to deal with food, sleep, or life loss, I decided to stop.  That's right.  I haven't written since early April.

Sure, it feels weird, sometimes even wrong, but at the same time, I feel so relieved that I can just be a college student again.  Maybe.  Who knows.

I'm not sure how my writing is going to continue with my new life, but I hope it does.  I might just focus on editing this book I really want to send into agents.

You guys, please, please, please don't take anything in this life for granted.  It isn't always as it seems, and soon enough, your world can turn upside down.

I hope you have a great week.


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