Sunday, April 22, 2012

ohemgee! like, totally long time, no....uh... write?

Man... that title made me feel terrible....
But I'm keeping it!
So, many things have happened since I last updated.... let's see...
Pottermore opened!! Which makes me happy, because it told me what I knew to be true--I'm a Ravenclaw!
Um...oh, and I've found out that a close friend of mine hates Harry Potter with a passion; honest to goodness my first thought was 'I don't think we can be friends anymore,' but at the same time, I completely accept that other people may think differently than me. While I am very inclined to call these people 'wrong,' I don't, because that would be wrong of me. So I can accept that he thinks that he book series has absolutely no depth and are idiotic, and I can say, 'ok, that's an opinion and it makes me think you haven't read past the first three books, but ok!" The same day I saw the above picture. It sums it up pretty well, I think ;)
And, last but certainly not least, the switchoff has occured! Dear Aiden is back at school, but lovely Jazzy is back home! It is a tad bit of a change, but I'm happy to have at least one of my sisters in town, as opposed to neither of them like last time...
Well, hopefully I'll post again sooner next time, so farewell for now!

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