Thursday, April 26, 2012

I Am in Love!!

Okay, maybe I shouldn't be so dramatic!  But at the same time, I am seriously in love with Nick Pitera's voice.  He has the amazing ability to sing in female as well as male ranges.  I have to admit I much prefer his male voice, but I am partial to guy voices (they are just so dang amazing!)
Anyway, I don't even remember how I found him now.  I was watching my regular weekly YouTube videos when I clicked on one of his videos.  It was at that moment that I died.  I was simply amazed by his girl voice ( realize how strange that sounds . . . but whatever!  :D)
Then I watched his "One Man Phantom of the Opera" video and was even more impressed.  He was able to sing most of Christine's high notes.  Seriously you guys, go look him up right now.  I'll wait.

Did you check him out?  Isn't he quite attractive too?
Ok funny story, I was worried about writing this because what if he sees it and thinks I'm a crazy stalker.  Well, I guess that won't really matter because I won't ever see him anyway.  But . . . if I do, he might think we have something in common because I want to start wearing hearts on my shirts.

Well, I think that is it!  Have a great day.  I'm going to listen to even more amazing songs by or covered by Nick Pitera!!


Sunday, April 22, 2012

ohemgee! like, totally long time, no....uh... write?

Man... that title made me feel terrible....
But I'm keeping it!
So, many things have happened since I last updated.... let's see...
Pottermore opened!! Which makes me happy, because it told me what I knew to be true--I'm a Ravenclaw!
Um...oh, and I've found out that a close friend of mine hates Harry Potter with a passion; honest to goodness my first thought was 'I don't think we can be friends anymore,' but at the same time, I completely accept that other people may think differently than me. While I am very inclined to call these people 'wrong,' I don't, because that would be wrong of me. So I can accept that he thinks that he book series has absolutely no depth and are idiotic, and I can say, 'ok, that's an opinion and it makes me think you haven't read past the first three books, but ok!" The same day I saw the above picture. It sums it up pretty well, I think ;)
And, last but certainly not least, the switchoff has occured! Dear Aiden is back at school, but lovely Jazzy is back home! It is a tad bit of a change, but I'm happy to have at least one of my sisters in town, as opposed to neither of them like last time...
Well, hopefully I'll post again sooner next time, so farewell for now!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Superly Cool Guys

So, it's past the first week of school.  I'm taking 17 credits.  Count 'em.  17.  I know, I know, it's a form of suicide.  True story.  Five of those credits are online, but i think those are actually harder than the lectures.  Then again, I'm taking an Alternative Energy class which seems super crazy!  I am pretty sure it will be super hard.

But at the same time, I am sure it is bound to be a huge adventure!  I am loving school as always, and it is super fun to be here with my roommates.  Well, here is something interesting.  I am rooming with Roommates #1 and #2 from last semester if you'll remember the post about the bee.  We were supposed to have another roommate but she transferred to another school before the semester began so we have an apartment of three, which, quite frankly, I'm not complaining about too much.  We were already making it work.  Well, that is all for now that I can think about!  Talk to you later!


Friday, April 20, 2012

Um . . . What's going on Blogger?

I skip the blog for a few weeks and I come back to an entire new layout.  Blogger, don't become like Facebook for the love of Heaven!!

Anyway, I thought I should let you know why I haven't written in a while.  Well, first off, a lot of things have happened.  I have been under quite a bit of stress, and I figured that while I can't change the reasons I became stressed, I could help to combat it by only writing when I really wanted.

Now some of you might be saying, "Come on Aiden, you always love to write.  You always talk about it here on the blog."

To which I would say, not necessarily.  Sure, I enjoy writing, but with the schedule I was keeping, I knew that in order to keep it up, I would have to give up food, sleep, or my life.  Since I didn't want to deal with food, sleep, or life loss, I decided to stop.  That's right.  I haven't written since early April.

Sure, it feels weird, sometimes even wrong, but at the same time, I feel so relieved that I can just be a college student again.  Maybe.  Who knows.

I'm not sure how my writing is going to continue with my new life, but I hope it does.  I might just focus on editing this book I really want to send into agents.

You guys, please, please, please don't take anything in this life for granted.  It isn't always as it seems, and soon enough, your world can turn upside down.

I hope you have a great week.


Sunday, April 8, 2012


It's been awhile, and I totally own up to that.  However, having said that, I'm pretty sure I've asked Jassy at least five billion times to write.  Anyway, she is heading home, or maybe is already home.  Alas, I'm leaving tomorrow to go see my Grandpa and Uncle before heading back up to school which means I won't get to hang out with her!  Bummer.
On the upside, my sister game back from a year and a half long mission for our church.  It was great to see her and it feels like she has never left, except that she doesn't like wearing anything but skirts anymore, which is totally not the sister I know.
I have been thinking a lot about why things happen in life.  Many times there is no rhyme or reason, and you just have to go through life.  Sometimes you have to put on a mask to keep questions away.  I guess what I'm saying, is don't judge someone too quickly because they are different, you have no idea where they are coming from or what type of family situation they have lived in.  I'm learning that everyday.  I hope before it's my time to leave this earth I will have learned to not judge unnecessarily.
