Monday, February 27, 2012

Grandparents and Washing Machines.

Well it's been a while. A lot of things have happened since my last post.
To start off, at the beginning of this month, my grandfather passed away. It was very hard on all of us. We knew it was going to happen soon, cause he wanted desperately to go home. And when I say home, I mean heaven. You see it had almost been 11 years since my Grandmother had passed away. He missed her so much. It was about a week before her death anniversary that he passed away quietly in his home. Ever since then, I have missed him. The only thing I regret most was not talking to him more often and learning about his past. I loved him dearly as he was the closest grandparent to me. The thing that comforts me the most is to know that he has reunited with the love of his life and is watching over all of us. So please don't miss the chance or take for granted the people around, cause you will never know how much time you have with them.
On a happier note, I was able to fix a coin washing machine with a nail filer and an exacto knife, I have become pro at this. What tends to happen is that a coin gets stuck, so you have to get it unstuck and get it to go through. I have done this twice know. It is quite fun.
Also why are guys so complicated?!?!
And on the last note, I MISS MY SISTERS!!!!!!!

Sunday, February 26, 2012


I have come to the sad realization that even if I were to work for 25 hours a day 8 days a week, I wouldn't be able to write down all of my ideas.  This is honestly a very sad concept to me.  I have so many ideas that I just love like children, and maybe that's because I created them, in a sense. They are sort of like kids to me.  Of course, my first daughter was amazing and definitely the child I practiced on. Now, the newer ones don't have to worry too much about me botching them because I know a few tricks. :D
But all the same, I have so many ideas, and I just need to figure out which ones I really want to write, because I honestly feel that I have  a limited number of books left in my fingers.  So what am I going to do with those limited books? I am going to write them a little bit better. :)  And I'm going to write those that need to be told. Each book has its characters, and some characters have such strong voices.  Their stories need to be told. There might be someone out in the world who is suffering from a big problem. And maybe, just maybe, if they read my book their problem will be more manageable. That I my hope!

Have a great week!


Friday, February 17, 2012


So, Arika, Max, and I got to see our teacher! Finally! And it was awesome. We stayed super late; so much that my mom kept texting me telling me to come home.  But my teacher just wanted to keep talking, and we were just fine with that.  I will admit that it was strange to see her in her home environment.  Don't teachers live at school?  :D  Well, anyway, she invited us over again, and I'm hoping we will be able to see her before I head back up to school.  I know this is a short post, but I just had a very traumatic experience at the dentist, and I'm still a little on edge.  I need to go calm down!  My dad is taking me shooting in a few hours and I'm so excited!  (Love you daddy!) Have a great weekend, I know I will.


Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Picture Whisperer

Here is the prologue.  And yes,  do have more than this, but I think this is AWESOME!!

          I have a pair of eyes.  Most people do.  But when combined with the power of my mind, they become dangerous weapons.  I try very hard not to see.  The last time I saw a picture of a rose it became a hurricane.  It was more commonly known as Katrina.  I don't know what I am, only that what I can do maims, destroys, and kills.  I don't want the power.  Not now.  Not when there are people I love.
         I know I have to change, but I don't know how.  I was born this way.  For others that might be OK.  It, in fact, may be considered a sign of strength or courage to be who you truly are.  But, I'm sure those very same people would feel differently if they knew I could kill them with a single thought, drawing, or painting.  Who am I you ask?  That's easy.  I'm The Picture Whisperer.

I totally realize that this makes me sound vain, but I think it sounds pretty cool.  And yesterday, I was shredding some (read: a lot) of paper at my work.  And while I was doing so, I thought of a ton of stuff.  I literally figured out a key part of this book!  And I'm so stinking excited about it!  It just goes to show that even if you aren't specifically thinking of something, your mind is still working as if it going overtime.   I have written quite a bit this week, though admittedly not as much as I want, but that's OK because tomorrow is always another day.  At the same time, I try to live as if there is no tomorrow.  So each day, I try to write a little faster.

Have a fantastic week and all that jazz.


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Goddesses and what not

So, two more fun facts: I love greek/roman mythology, and i love personality quizzes.
Last night, as I was researching for an idea that came to mind, I stumbled across a goddess archetype quiz that takes a very in-depth look at personality and which greek goddess one relates to most of all. Well, after an hour (the scoring process was horribly tedious and it took me a few tries to come up with the most efficient method) I had my results: Aphrodite got the highest, followed by Artemis and then Athena.
Well, I thought for sure that I would score with Athena as my highest, as I've always been one for books and knowledge, but then I really thought about it, and realized that my results were perfectly accurate.
You see, during my adolescent years, I was, in fact, a bookish tomboy who always wanted to be as good, if not better than the boys. But now that I'm growing up, I have different priorities. While I still love my books, and I have a thirst for knowledge, it's not a competition anymore--it's for me. At the same time, I've found that right now, I'm finding the most value in my relationships, with friends and family, both platonic and romantic. So now I'm in a rut because my two strengths are what appear to be complete opposites. Keyword being 'appear'. Actually, aside from the status of their virginity and their hobbies, the two aren't terribly different. Both Artemis and Aphrodite are, in a way, virgin goddesses, in that they refused to let a man 'take' them against their choice. So really, I interpret my results to be that I have stepped back from trying to be better than everyone, and I'm slowly becoming a far stronger woman. I'm embracing my femininity, but that doesn't mean I'm about to let anyone walk over me.
So, just because you think that you should have ended up a certain way doesn't mean that the result isn't true. When you recieve an unexpected result, take the time to actually think about the results, and figure out for yourself how true it is.

In other news, as Aiden mentioned, she, Max and I are going to go visit our favorite teacher! She is the teacher that really introduced me to what I want to do after college, and she is one of the laces that makes the bond between Max, Aiden, Jassy and I so strong. I can't wait to see her again!

Have a great day!
Arika :)

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Life . . . . and trying to live it.

I have come to the conclusion that many of my posts are about how I deal with life . . . which sounds very diaryish to me.  But that's OK cause this is MY (and Arika and Jassy's) blog.  So there.

First off ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

I finished book #9!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This book happened to finish up my first trilogy!!!! :D  So freaking out right here!

Get this.  For the longest time, I had only typed out my books.  I never though I would be a fast longhand writer and the fact that my handwriting isn't the neatest, I figured it would be for the best if I only typed my books out.  Those days are gone my friends.  Oh of course I will still be using my computer, after all I need to be able to edit and everything . . . but I have actually found that longhand has been more efficient for me.  Normally I can write an entire chapter (approx. 2,500 words) in an hour and a half or an hour if I'm really kicking butt.  But with writing it out, I found it takes me about an hour to an hour and twenty minutes.

This is me with my pretty notebook. 

What made me work faster?  I think it because when I type, I am able to type really fast, but then I wait a couple of minutes to come up with the next sentence.  With writing, I write almost continuously.  And I love it.  Don't think it's a just nice picnic.  My hand hurts like crazy when I'm done, but it's totally worth it.  So this next book I plan on writing it out completely in longhand.  And I even got a notebook for it. . .  but then I realized that it was wide ruled not college ruled which is what I really need to make the most of each page.  Walmart will be seeing me tomorrow (even though I totally don't have time!)

                                         This is my face when I realized it was wide ruled . . . .

Anyway, that is basically what is going on in my life.

Jassy, Arika, and I have a mutual friend, we'll call him Max.  Arika, Max, and I all had the same German teacher who was the coolest ever!  She invited to come see her so I believe we will be doing just that on Thursday . . . which should be awesome!

I think that is it for me.  I'm going to make some dinner right now.  Please know how much your life means to others.  Never ever think that you don't matter.  You truly do.  In fact, it may be you who makes the complete difference in another's life.  Let your light shine.


Saturday, February 4, 2012

Two things

Today I discovered two things about myself.
1. I am a complete foodie! I love so many different types of food, and I love trying all new types of food every time I'm able to. The feeling of finding food you like, especially when you were leaning either way and definitely weren't sure if you would like it, is the best feeling in the world!!
2. Apparently, I have a thing for scorpios and aquarius'. No joke. My best friends are either scorpios or Aquarius'. I guess opposites attract.
Have a great weekend!
Arika :)