Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Life is normal?

No, life is never normal.  If it was normal, we wouldn't even be here.  Anyway, Arika is gone.  It was fun while it lasted.  We went out to eat at an amazing little sandwhich shop which will become the main staple of my life, saw Lion King 3D (I forgot how AMAZING that movie is), and went to a few Halloween parties.  For the first one, Arika went as Peter Pan, and she looked spiffy.  However, her outfit was made with felt, so since it was so hot, she decided to go as bubblegum under a shoe.

Personally, I felt this was ingenious!  And who thought of it??  Yours truly.  

I went as Facebook (wrote book on my face), and Jassy went as a Pirate.  I think we looked awesome!!

Fall is coming quickly, however, I think we skipped it here in Idaho . . . . it is just really cold now.  I'm from a desert, so even though I do like the cold, it takes me a while to get used to it.  

I think that is it for me.  I hope you all have a great week(end).  And soon to be Happy Halloween!!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Lady Bugs

Dear Lady Bugs,

                                                               (Taken from here)

Honestly, you could be a little bit more lady-like.  Three, you hear that?  THREE of you flew into my face today.  You might be adorable and everything, but honestly, show some respect for humans.  It's hardly our fault that a lot of you have been curb-stomped.   I have seen at least ten of you walking on the sidewalk.  Hello! You have wings, think about using them. Seriously or I'm going to have to talk to the Mr. Lady Bug from A Bug's Life.  I'm not bluffing.


Seriously, get out of my face

Sunday, October 16, 2011

I'm back and typing again! And the long absence was completely because i was busy and not at all because i forgot or anything......
Anyway, after reading Aiden's posts, I'm thinking it is definetely about time I visit (even though, you have to admit, those posts were seriously entertaining).
I am so attached to a new story I'm writing, and it makes me happy with all of the progress I've made with it! even though I've only actually typed out three chapters.....
Like my sisters have mentioned (many, many times) and as I will make note of (even more), I am going to visit them this coming weekend!!!! I am soooooooo beyond excited to go to their college, and I know we are going to have a bunch of fun, and I'm bringing a surprise I haven't before hinted to them (*hint* it's from our mom). But, really, I am so stoked!--even though it means that i will have to reschedule one of my midterms. Haha, you'd think I'd have thought about that before I planned the trip, but nope! Wasn't even on my mind! Well, hopefully I'll learn to check every piece of paper my teachers give me next time.
Oh well, cest la vie!
Also, I have encountered the irritating monster known as writers' block. Unfortunately enough, it is blocking the paper that's due tomorrow. Yea.... it's going to be a poor rough draft. (but that's why it's called a rough draft, right?)
Anyway, I'm going to get back to my homework now.
See you (for reals) next week!!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Volleyball and sisters

Well as you have probably guessed I'm really bad at updating this blog. I'm a pretty lazy and laid back kind of person.
Yesterday I went and watched my friend's volleyball game. It was really great. My friends team only had six players, so they had to play all the way through. They almost won though. The other team just had more chance to rest their players.Watching the game made me really want to go play volleyball again. I love the sport with a passion!!
Anyway, I'm really excited for next week!! The reason why is because Arika is coming to spend the weekend with Aiden and I. It's going to be a blast! Well I'm not sure what else to write about, so until next time...bye bye

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Am I Actually In An Asylum?

There comes a time when people become crazy.

That time has come and gone my friends.

Just ask Jassy.  Yesterday, I was stressing, because school especially school in college is hard.  There are two ways that I deal with stress.  1.  I withdraw into myself, and don't like talking to anyone, and if anyone talks to me, I try to not acknowledge their existence.  It seems to work wonders for me.  2. I get excessively hyper.  i.e., jumping and landing on two couches in our apartment  that are pushed together to resemble a boat resulting in a massive headache.  Singing obnoxiously along with my ipod, etc. Luckily, my other roommates weren't there to witness the crazy, and only Jassy had to endure.  Honestly, I didn't think it was that bad.  Until we started having a tickle war.

Jassy's shoulder was hurting her, so I offered to punch her shoulder to see if there were bones that needed cracking.  She agreed and then was promptly on the floor. Apparently my right hook is stronger than I knew.

In my religion class there is a guy that looks a lot like Robert  (AKA Edward Cullen), but much much much cuter.  Next time for that class, I am not going to be ashamed nor embarrassed when I go up proudly to ask if I can get a picture with him.

Today, I saw no less than three (updated to say 7) squished Lady Bugs on the sidewalk, which is horrible because they are the sweetest little bugs ever!

Also today, as a result of being rather tired, I go into the building my next class is and wait for the previous one to be released.  I wait for half an hour thinking they are going far overtime when I realize that I am an hour early.  Talk about annoying!  I could have been doing homework, or sleeping, but mostly sleeping!

I feel that I am the only one writing on this blog, so Jassy, Arika, and I are going to have a little talk (read: discussion, pep talk, death threats etc).  :)  Have a great day!

BTW, newest Work In Progress (WIP) is currently at 25,000 words.  Almost halfway through.  Talk about awesome.  This will be book #8.  I know, I am excited too!



Yesterday, we had an interesting experience with a bee.  Roommate 1 opened the door to go to the laundromat when a bee, seeking refuge, came tearing into our living room.  Roommate 2 and I screamed like girls, because we are girls.  Jassy, Roommate 2, and I promptly picked up pillows and started swinging.  The bee followed me into a corner of the kitchen.  I screamed.  Roommate 2 bravely said, "I'll save you." while picking up a cardboard box from the trash and waving it wildly over her head like a machete.  As soon as the bee came for her, she dropped like a sack of potatoes to the floor and army crawled from the scene.  Jassy was gone to get the camera so I took the cardboard and struck the bee with all my might.  It was still alive, but not able to fly.  Then I quickly did a *smash smash* "I am WOMAN!!"  It was stuck on the cardboard and as I went outside to throw it do the ground, its wings started working again.  I dropped it like a grenade and ran into the house (but if it was really a grenade, I would have died from the close proximity, so I probably wouldn't have dropped a real grenade, it's totally just an expression, just saying).  Jassy bravely went out when we determined it could still not fly and shook it over the edge.  We are alive and healthy, I have still yet to find out if I am allergic to bee stings.  (In hindsight, I'm thinking that swinging at the be might have made it madder.  Oops, I'll have to remember that for next time (Jassy: Next time???))

So many things happen after I write the post, maybe I should learn to wait until the day is over.  But then again, the day is never over!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Rain, Rain, I love you!

I got boots.  Rain boots.  Which is a good thing because it's been raining off and on since last week.  They are black with polkadots and just cuteness to go around.  I also have a umbrella that is covered in dots.  I like dots.

OK, enough with the clipped sentences.  Let me start out by saying that I got and read the Heroes of Olympus #2: The Son of Neptune.  It is amazing!  Rick Riorden did everything I didn't think would happen and more.  And let me just say that the end is the biggest cliff hanger I have ever read in my entire life!  Even though I could dance for joy because of how amazing the book was, I wanted to punch a wall because that means that I have to wait until the fall of 2012 for the next book to come out!  Talk about lame sauce.

College is hard.  I thought that I would have more time, as it turns out, I am having a hard enough time with getting to bed at a reasonable hour.  It might have to do with the fact that I like to read an entire book in one day.  But honestly, I only do that for new books.  Other books I totally space out.  When I reread the Lost Hero, it took me a day and a half.  :)

Arika is coming to visit Jassy and I this month and I am counting down the minutes. I have missed my twin more than words can say.  I have been writing a lot, which is awesome!  I have a schedule to finish three more books (including the one I'm working on) before the end of the year.  Then next year will be a major editing job.  I'm not sure how excited I am for it, but it should be an adventure nonetheless.

I am doing great in all of my classes except for one.  I am just not sure what he expects of me.  Oh well, I know I can do better, and I will, especially if I want to keep up my scholarship!

Overall, the college life is awesome.  I think it will be even cooler when I am home for my break.  :)  There is not much else going on in my life at the present time, besides the lack of sleep department totally not doing their job.  I did get to bed sort of early last night.  I'm surprised thought, because I would have thought that I would be exhausted in the mornings.  It turns out that the whole ordeal only weighs on me at the end of the week, which is perfect because I only have two classes on Friday so I can take a 3-5 hour nap!  I love it.

I wake up in the mornings, perhaps a little grumpy, but that is not unusual, and then go about my business.  By the time I get to class, I am positively cheerful!  It must be those naps I am looking forward to.  Have a great day, I have a lot to do and so little time to do it.

My sisters should be posting sometime this week.  I keep telling them that the blog will get tired of me posting all of the time.
