Sunday, March 11, 2012

I'm Tired

Really, I am.  Tired that is.  Yesterday was a day where I sat around and did the essentials, laundry, eating, etc.  But I did nothing else productive.  I didn't write.  I didn't read. Nothing.  And it felt great.  I've been on this strict timeline for writing and editing books.  I realize that either I am full out Nazi about writing or I am the complete opposite and don't do anything.  I really need to find a balance, and I know that will be hard for me, but so worth it in the end.

I will be heading up to school next month.  I have missed my roommates like no other.  I am hoping to have a nice schedule for my classes, and lose some weight, start eating healthy etc.  But I can't help but think that nothing will happen if I don't start now!  So there is my goal for this week.  To write two chapters a day, no matter what, exercise for 30 mins or longer, and don't watch TV or movies until the weekend (which are already do anyway. I know, I'm crazy.).  Hopefully it will work. But even if it doesn't, that is OK.  Tomorrow is another day.

Have a good week.


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