Sunday, October 26, 2014

Long time no blog.

Hey ya'll
    Wow its been a long time since I've posted on this blog. Well let's see what to say. For the past 18 months I have been attending my college. I switched my major to Exercise Physiology. I did this so I could become a Physical Therapist. I love helping people, and I hate seeing people sick or injured. I decided becoming a Physical Therapist is a way I can help. It also helps that it pays well.
     Anywho, I have been living with these great girls, and have developed some really great friendships over the years. Sadly I have become distant with a few people as well. I need to fix that. I have had a pretty boring life though. It has mainly consisted of school and work. I used to work early morning custodial at my college. I had tto be in to work by 4AM! It was killer. I worked that job for anout a year and a half before getting a new job this semester. I now work at chik-fil-a. So I can have 8 hours of sleep now! But sadly I have no weekends. Ahh the sacrifices we must give in order to make money to live.
      So that pretty much sums up my life in the past year and a half. I hope I will write on here again soon.
