It's the end of the year. It's time to begin again, start anew. And yet, someone lost their life recently. I can't say I really knew him. He and I worked together in a school play during High School, and I never really got to know him. I never needed to. And now he's gone.
Our lives can change in the blink of an eye. He was going to college, or at least soon would be, working on his acting ability he had discovered in High School. And yet, he's gone.
I honestly can't say that I'm crying over everything simply because I didn't know him that well, but still, I feel strangely sad.
Sometimes there is nothing to do with your time but waste it, simply because there is nothing that can get you out of the mood you are in. However, while many people think it is horrible, it is okay to take some time for yourself.
I hope you have a great day and a Happy New Year!
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Friday, December 21, 2012
My Mission Call Is: .......................
So, I'm not exactly sure if many people understand how incredibly important getting a mission call is for us LDS types. We get out families together and have a dozen phones ready on speedial to ensure that no one is left out from knowing where the future missionary is going. So . . . in other words, I got my mission call today, and it was not at all where i was expecting.
The letter read thus:
"Dear Sister Rosenlof,
You are hereby called to serve as a missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. You are assigned to labor in the Belgium/Netherlands Mission. You will prepare to preach the gospel in the Dutch Language."
Can you guys believe it? I certainly can't. all I can say is that I'm so excited about it all that I can hardly contain my excitment. Ahhh! So excited. I leave in May, so I still have a little bit of time before I have to leave, but let me tell you, I am ready to serve, and know this call was made just for me!
Have a great day! Merry Christmas.
The letter read thus:
"Dear Sister Rosenlof,
You are hereby called to serve as a missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. You are assigned to labor in the Belgium/Netherlands Mission. You will prepare to preach the gospel in the Dutch Language."
Can you guys believe it? I certainly can't. all I can say is that I'm so excited about it all that I can hardly contain my excitment. Ahhh! So excited. I leave in May, so I still have a little bit of time before I have to leave, but let me tell you, I am ready to serve, and know this call was made just for me!
Have a great day! Merry Christmas.
Monday, December 17, 2012
It's over . . . .it's done!

This is mine:
Regardless, it's nice to be home and everything. My mom, sister, and I are heading to some eye appointments and the beginnings of some shopping (kill me now!). It will be a long day, but a good one simply because I will be with two of my favorite people in the whole wide world!! :)
Have a great day, I know I will.
Friday, December 7, 2012
I sort of am feeling slightly overwhelmed simply because finals are next week. Luckily I will be able to work on some of the finals over this weekend. anyway, so if I die, I will this blog to Jassy and Arika. Good day to you. See you on the other side!
Monday, December 3, 2012
Ach! Two posts in one night! Oh well, it's an epiphany moment.
So, my mom and I were talking about my current...erm..."relationship" and we came to an interesting realization.
It is unbelievably hard for me to truly trust anyone.
Don't get me wrong: I trust my friends, especially my sisters, but, well, let me put it this way. Whenever, in my past, the idea of doing trust falls came up, I would try it. The problem is, it doesn't matter if I know, without a doubt, that the person behind me will catch me, I cannot let myself fall, at least not all the way. I start to fall, but I catch myself before my partner has a chance to catch me. I interpret this only one way: when it comes down to it, the only person I trust to catch me is myself.
That is so sad.
I know all of my friends have my back; I know that they will try their damnedest to catch me when I fall. But how can they if I don't let them?
Well, the other night, the same night as the "huge" change I alluded to earlier, there came a moment when the person I was with put a makeshift blindfold on me. That scared the hell out of me--I had no clue what he was going to do, and I was suddenly terribly worried that I had made the wrong choice and that I was going to make a fool of myself, or worse. But my companion was suddenly so gentle, as if he knew what I was feeling, and then I didn't care anymore. I trusted that he would listen to me, and that he was more concerned for me than himself.
It was just one of the lessons I opened myself to that night (trust me, there were several). He's a good guy, and a great friend; I seriously underestimated him. He's not the "one", I don't expect him to be. But I know he is the guy who's gonna push me towards where I need to be. Whether he means to or not, he's teaching me, one thing at a time.
Maybe by the end, I'll be able to let someone catch me before I catch myself.
So, my mom and I were talking about my current...erm..."relationship" and we came to an interesting realization.
It is unbelievably hard for me to truly trust anyone.
Don't get me wrong: I trust my friends, especially my sisters, but, well, let me put it this way. Whenever, in my past, the idea of doing trust falls came up, I would try it. The problem is, it doesn't matter if I know, without a doubt, that the person behind me will catch me, I cannot let myself fall, at least not all the way. I start to fall, but I catch myself before my partner has a chance to catch me. I interpret this only one way: when it comes down to it, the only person I trust to catch me is myself.
That is so sad.
I know all of my friends have my back; I know that they will try their damnedest to catch me when I fall. But how can they if I don't let them?
Well, the other night, the same night as the "huge" change I alluded to earlier, there came a moment when the person I was with put a makeshift blindfold on me. That scared the hell out of me--I had no clue what he was going to do, and I was suddenly terribly worried that I had made the wrong choice and that I was going to make a fool of myself, or worse. But my companion was suddenly so gentle, as if he knew what I was feeling, and then I didn't care anymore. I trusted that he would listen to me, and that he was more concerned for me than himself.
It was just one of the lessons I opened myself to that night (trust me, there were several). He's a good guy, and a great friend; I seriously underestimated him. He's not the "one", I don't expect him to be. But I know he is the guy who's gonna push me towards where I need to be. Whether he means to or not, he's teaching me, one thing at a time.
Maybe by the end, I'll be able to let someone catch me before I catch myself.
Ok, soooo that Florence and the machine story is taking longer than I expected, so congrats Aiden on being the only one to get it up in a timely manner! Haha!
Well, like aiden said, it's amazing how quickly a little detail in your life can change. Over the weekend, one small change took place, a change that most people regard as a defining characteristic. People are judged over this tiny detail every day; sometimes it makes or breaks lives.
But I'm here to tell you, it's not nearly that climactic of a change. It's a big step sure, and one that will take some serious deciding to come to, but, well, truth be told, I kinda figured it was going to happen sometime in this year a few months ago. So I was ready when the moment came, and I knew there was no other answer. It's probably a bit surprising to some people who know me, considering my normal mindset, and my mindset through high school, but now, it seems like there was never any question. And I'm not any different: there was no huge, unbelievable moment where I thought my life had changed forever. It's as if nothing actually happened.
Don't get me wrong, the experience was breath-taking, and I'm certainly never gonna forget it, but I'm not different, nothing changed.
Nothing bad is gonna happen, even when I made this "huge" decision, everything was perfectly ok. Suddenly, every other change I know is gonna happen doesn't seem nearly as big.
I'm ok
Well, like aiden said, it's amazing how quickly a little detail in your life can change. Over the weekend, one small change took place, a change that most people regard as a defining characteristic. People are judged over this tiny detail every day; sometimes it makes or breaks lives.
But I'm here to tell you, it's not nearly that climactic of a change. It's a big step sure, and one that will take some serious deciding to come to, but, well, truth be told, I kinda figured it was going to happen sometime in this year a few months ago. So I was ready when the moment came, and I knew there was no other answer. It's probably a bit surprising to some people who know me, considering my normal mindset, and my mindset through high school, but now, it seems like there was never any question. And I'm not any different: there was no huge, unbelievable moment where I thought my life had changed forever. It's as if nothing actually happened.
Don't get me wrong, the experience was breath-taking, and I'm certainly never gonna forget it, but I'm not different, nothing changed.
Nothing bad is gonna happen, even when I made this "huge" decision, everything was perfectly ok. Suddenly, every other change I know is gonna happen doesn't seem nearly as big.
I'm ok
Ummmm . . .
So many things have changed in my life since yesterday.
I have finished my papers completely, in other words, they have been sent to Salt Lake City (and recieved).
I found an amazing quote that reads: "If you didn't write today, you're not a writer." (wake up call!)
And people are making changes in their life that I honestly didn't expect. (including me)
It's amazing isn't it? The ability for our lives to change in the blink of an eye. One moment you could be watching a movie with your friends, and in the next, an entirely new perspective brings about an entirely different future for you.
Life, in this way, almost seems fickle, like there are so many different future possibilites that it's impoosible to choose just one. And yet, we are asked to do just that.
So here is to my life. I know it will be crazy for the next two years or so, but that doesn't mean that I can't live my life in the best way I know possible. In fact, if anything, I need to do all in my power to be my very best. I certainly hope I am ready and willing to give my all.
Have a great week!
I have finished my papers completely, in other words, they have been sent to Salt Lake City (and recieved).
I found an amazing quote that reads: "If you didn't write today, you're not a writer." (wake up call!)
And people are making changes in their life that I honestly didn't expect. (including me)
It's amazing isn't it? The ability for our lives to change in the blink of an eye. One moment you could be watching a movie with your friends, and in the next, an entirely new perspective brings about an entirely different future for you.
Life, in this way, almost seems fickle, like there are so many different future possibilites that it's impoosible to choose just one. And yet, we are asked to do just that.
So here is to my life. I know it will be crazy for the next two years or so, but that doesn't mean that I can't live my life in the best way I know possible. In fact, if anything, I need to do all in my power to be my very best. I certainly hope I am ready and willing to give my all.
Have a great week!
Friday, November 30, 2012
Challenge Post
Okay, so this was really hard for me, not only because I don't usually write stories for lyrics, but also because finals are coming up. I know I am just barely making it!
The song I chose was Breath of Life, which I found out later was made for the Snow White and the Huntsman movie, which is funny because my story is a take on a fairy tale.
So without further ado, I present, Fairytales are Real. (by the way, sorry it's so long, and no, it's not the whole story, but just the first chapter.)
The song I chose was Breath of Life, which I found out later was made for the Snow White and the Huntsman movie, which is funny because my story is a take on a fairy tale.
So without further ado, I present, Fairytales are Real. (by the way, sorry it's so long, and no, it's not the whole story, but just the first chapter.)
Oh yes, you could say that ‘fairy
tales’ are real, especially when your parents are still determined for you to
marry a simple commoner. But then again,
that was really only to improve their image with the people. They heard it worked for Rapunzel. Poor girl, I think her husband still likes to
steal her brush, and we all know how disastrously that can turn out.
Personally, I had always wanted a
prince. Specifically one who had access
to a gigantic amount of money. Heck, I
didn’t even care if the guy used half the money on concubines, just as long as
it was understood that the other half went to me to spend how and on what I
You could say I’d grown accustomed
to a certain lifestyle, and quite frankly, I was not about to give it up. Even if that meant true love would never be
in my grasp. Love had never exactly
seemed all that was cracked up to be.
Just look at my parents if you need any type of proof.
So maybe that was why I was just at
teeny bit upset when my parents sent for the Potion Producer. Of course I knew all about it, (they don’t
call me the Snoop Princess for nothing) and I was determined to not be prey to
a sleeping potion. Honestly, my friend Snow White would totally agree that was
so last apple season.
No, my parents had not yet caught on
to the fact that I knew what they were planning, that would completely spoil
the fun. You could say I was planning on blowing up their plan in their faces,
at least that was until my mom’s dear ‘long-lost second cousin’s aunt’ arrived
for dinner. Yeah, because that wasn’t suspicious at all, and not withstanding
her youthful appearance, there was the distinctive wart on her right
earlobe. Apparently there was something
you just couldn’t ever hide.
“So Rosie,” She said spilling nearly
a full bolw of green beans onto my plate. Apparently I was eating enough
“Yes Aunt Phyllis,” I said dutifully
as I had been instructed to call her.
And although she didn’t like being interrupted, she seemed to believe
that I’d bouth her pitiful act.
“Have you met any cute boys lately?”
I kid you not, that was her opener. Way
to be discreet.
“No,” I shrugged, looking carefully
at my food to ensure that not even a drop of sleeping potion had made it to my
plate. “At least, I have met any royal
boys that have caught my eyes.”
I nearly felt my mother rumpling her
feathers as if she wanted to hit me.
“And what about the boys who are more common?” She asked.
“Commoners? I asked still eating my
green beans while noticing that my father’s face had begun to resemble them in
color. “I can’t imagine why I would need
to consider commoners, especially since non of them would be able to provide
for my needs.”
Before either of my parents could rise
out of their chairs to banish me from the kingdom, something I’d been
threatened with my entire life to the point where it held little meaning, Aunt
Phyllis lifted her hand. The fact that
both my mom and dad stopped talking was enough evidence to fully convince me
that little of Phyllis was nto what she seemed.
Nobody could ever get my parents to shut up when they began. That is, nobody but a witch.
“I doubt there is much need to worry
about who Rosie will marry, after all she’s only sixteen.” She looked at me,
and if anything, I felt more threatened than before. “Besides, when the right one comes along, I’m
sure we’ll all know.”
If that was supposed to make me feel
better, Phyllis really needed to work on her motivational speaking skills. Honestly I heard of kamikaze pilots with more
I lifted my glass to drink to her health,
but just as the glass touched my lips, I stopped. The witch had spent a little
longer than strictly necessary with my cup.
Even then I smelled the faint scent of peppermint, just enough to cover
the smell of a potion.
Quite honestly, it took all of my
strength to not throw the cup away from me as far as was possible. Instead, my
lips were pressed firmly together to prevent any form of liquid coming into my
Then again, it might have tipped
them off when I didn’t fall instantly asleep.
I realized it a little too late, but I still decided that pretending was
my best bet.
So there I was yawning like an idiot.
“Oh my goodness, I think I will have to go to bed. This day has been lots of fun.” I nodded at
Phyllis who smiled grimly back. If there was one person I couldn’t fool it was
her. “Thank you so much for coming. I feel that in the next couple of days, we
will become the best of friend.”
With that, I stood up as quickly as
I dared, and slumped out of the room. My
attendants continued to follow me, so I continued to keep up the act until I
reached my private bedroom. My bed was a welcome sight, and when I sat down to
wiggle my way out my dress, I looked at the mirror across the way like I did
every night. The only difference was
that I screamed, but that was because someone stared back at me, and it was not
my reflection. It was Phyllis.
“You could have made it
significantly easier on everyone, even yourself Briar.” She grinned toothily at
me. Honestly, I tried to get away, but
my dearest ‘aunt’ though ti would be fun to instead snap her fingers and
paralyze my limb. All of them. With a whirl of her hand, a rather large
spindle appeared by my bed. “This rather wonderful instrument has been used by
hundreds of people for many things,, but I honestly believe that I am the very
first person to lather the prick with sleeping potion.”
She grinned at me, and I only wished
I could have been free to move, because despite being a princess, I was fairly
confident that I would have been completely capable of strangling her.
“Oh,” she continued, “There’s no
need to worry, you won’t even feel a thing, that is until his kiss wakes you
The fully realization came crashing
down on me. I had no say in it, and despite my best efforts, I would soon be
asleep for a very long time. Some small
tear broke past my paralyzing condition.
Phyllis could quite possibility be
my actual enemy sent from the inner circle of hell. “You were not exactly my first choice when it
came to practice and using my skills. But,” she leered at me, “I have to admit
that your case became infinitely more interesting when I found out that you were
opposed to marrying a commoner. Yes, you
could say that your potion was particularly difficult to brew, given that each
potion for each person is unique. But,
I’ve never turned down a tough job.
Really, you should feel flattered.” She walked towards me and brushed my
hair out of my fair. IF I could have, I
would have bitten off her finger. “Just a sample of your potion will forever
hand on my shelf of my memorable spells.”
The spindle was definitely getting
closer than I really wanted, but I was constantly reminded that I was
paralyzed. Phyllis looked particularly
proud of herself as she motioned the spindle towards me.
“have a good sleep my little Rosie
Princess,” she said and then she stuck me with the prick. Almost immediately I felt the potion seep
into my system and despite my very best efforts, my eyes closed.
* *
* * *
* * *
* * *
* * *
* * *
* * *
* * *
* * *
* *
Basically the
witch, or as she liked to call herself, the Potion producer lied. I wondered if she eve knew. Something told me
that even though she was crazy, she had honestly not meant to make a mistake
with her potion. I sort of looked forward to the day when I would be able to
tell her how badly she’d messed up.
But still, being away of what was
going on around me wasn’t exactly the picnic I had in mind. I will admit that I
probably blacked out for the first hour or so from the shock of it all. After than, however, I heard, smelled, and
felt everything around me. Believe me,
not all of it was exactly what you would call pleasant.
“When will she wake up?” my mom said
quietly, her voice came from my right.
But as much as I tried, my body would not obey my command to move a
single inch.
“She will wake when she is kissed by
her true love.” Phyllis sounded rather impatient as if she’d already answered
the question a hundred times.
My dad snorted. Hew as definitely of
little faith. Then again, he’d never been one to actually believe in magic
anyway, and a well-grounded bias like that was not easily destroyed.
My mom sighed and I felt her stroke
my hair. “But, Rosie was never exactly
the lovable type. What if she has no
true love?” Okay, so personally I felt
that was rather below the belt. Was I
really that unattractive?
“regardless, we have to try, “ My
dad said gruffly, “I suppose we should give an announcement so al the young me
in the kingdom will have a chance to wake her.”
No. No. No. That was so not happening. Or so I told myself before I remembered that
being asleep for all purpose had its drawbacks.
The only kissing I was inclined to do was that to my dog. Then again, this arrangement did not require
me to kiss anyone, just to be kissed, and since I was incapable of movement, I
was pretty sure that my parents would find me a rather willing enough
“are you sure she won’t remember any
of this?” Yes, my mom was very good a acting concerned, but I knew it was all
an act. It was always an act.
“Oh yes,” Phyllis seemed rather
insulted in my mom’s lack of trust.. “the next thing she will know is that her
true love has found her.”
And that my friends, is when the
true adventure began. And to be quite
honest, I hated every single minute of it.
It did rather shock me when my bed
was moved, having lain in the same position and place for at least two
days. There were times I actually did
fall asleep, which was how I counted the days, and each time I was terrified I
would wake up to someone kissing me.
I smelled the candidates before a
single one pressed their lips to mine.
They were commoners alright, if their manure smell was any
“So, we just have to wake her?” One
of them asked and his farm boy voice was enough to make me pray that his kiss
would not wake me.
“Yes,” My father’s voice thundered
through the room. “But you may only kiss
her, and if your love does not awaken her, you are to leave immediately and
never attempt to waken her again,” I was pleased to hear a rather protective
note in his voice. At least he was
pretending to care for me, but I still couldn’t get past the fact that he’d
hired a witch to ensure I would soon get married.
And so each day was slow with
absolutely nothing to do but be kissed over and over again. It might have come as a surprise to others,
but I had honestly never before kissed, nor been kissed by anyone. I have to admit that it felt good at first,
but I continually told myself that was because the nerves around my mouth were
always extra sensitive. After the first
few hundred, I had a break from the kissing for about a week. And for good reason, my lips were swollen,
having never felt this much attention before.
After the first hundred days I
figured out that each male had one minute to wake me up. The first thirty second were specifically to
kiss me, and the next were to see if their love could bring me out of my
sleep. There were always four-hundred
and eighty men and young men each day.
It never varied. I never
hungered, thirsted, or got physically tried. The only reason I dreamed, in my
opinion, was to allow me an escape from my reality.
The days soon blurred, and I quickly
lost track after two thousand days. It occurred
to me that I was well over twenty-two years of age. It was around that time when my parents
finally let the princes in the neighboring kingdoms try their lips on me. I had hope, but it was always wasted.
My parents visited me daily,
speaking words of encouragement, but of course I could never speak to
them. Then one day they visited me for
the last time. I heard my mom crying down the hall long before they came into
my room. If anything about this
adventure could be considered a positive, it was that all of my senses besides
sight had strengthened considerably. For
the most part, that was a good thing. I
could brace myself long before anyone came to see me.
“The Witch said there is no way to
break it but to have her kissed by her true love,” my mom’s voice sounded a
hundred years older.
“We should have never done it,” my
father agreed, “Every young man in the kingdom has tried and failed.” Okay, so
yes, I was rather upset, they could not have tried everyone. I had been asleep for well over ten years, I had to have at least one true
love. But for them to not find him in
that time, I had to admit the prospects looked grim.
That was the last day my parents
ever visited me. I could only guess that
they were too ashamed to see me, as it was all their fault I was in this condition. There were no longer the constant stream of
men to kiss me, now only a few came each day, and even I felt myself get excited
with each kiss, hoping this would be the one.
It never was.
I felt my mind begin to go. I was never going to wake up, and if I did, I
would be too crazy to appreciate it. If
only there was a way to kill myself, I would gladly do so.
Suddenly my door opened, I had heard
the boots on the floor as they came down the hall, but I told myself to not get
excited. “It’s time,” a voice spoke, and
once again, I tried to reign in my hope.
It would not be him. But this
time, there was something different about his lips. They were soft, and as they parted, his hot
breath washed over my face. Then I felt the potion leave my body, and very
slowly, my eyes opened.
End of Chapter One!
hope you like it!
End of Chapter One!
hope you like it!
Friday, November 16, 2012
My Turn!
Have you ever listened to Florence and the Machine? I love her songs (well on the first album anyway...I haven't listened to the second XD ) the reason I love them though is because they just beg to be written as stories! Each one has a hint of the fantastic and magical, because of the way she builds the stories.
So I'm issuing a dare to my sisters, think of it as the November version of Becky's except a lot less frequent. My dare is for you to, at some point between now and November 30th (I understand we're all busy) to chose a song and write a short story about it! Just a short story, nothing seriously long, but based on one of Florence's songs. Just listen when you can, and write when you can, but see if you can do it! I'll post mine next week, but you two post whenever!
Lots of love,
Arika :)
So I'm issuing a dare to my sisters, think of it as the November version of Becky's except a lot less frequent. My dare is for you to, at some point between now and November 30th (I understand we're all busy) to chose a song and write a short story about it! Just a short story, nothing seriously long, but based on one of Florence's songs. Just listen when you can, and write when you can, but see if you can do it! I'll post mine next week, but you two post whenever!
Lots of love,
Arika :)
Post #100!!!!
This is our 100th post?? That is super crazy.
Actually it's kind of funny, because then I went to some of the blogs I follow and realized that they have more like 500-2000 posts. Oh well. We are getting there. Still, I'd say that since we only started a year ago, that is pretty good.
I guess I want to tell you a little story about my summer. During my breaks I work on a Navel Base. I find a lot of enjoyment in my job, and am so grateful that I actually have one. However, it was on a break, must have been a Friday that I happened to have off or a Saturday.
Arika and I were hanging out and then decided to go shopping at Kmart and Walmart. What did we get? Spy gear and nerfguns (by the way, spell check is trying to change nerfguns to gunrunners . . . what?). That was super awesome. Then of course, we decided that we would need to attack Jassy with them.
We went to her house, armed and ready to help her meet her doom. But instead, she came to meet us with a spray bottle. Sure, it was ridiculous, yes, it was childish, but, it was fun, and something I hope to always remember.
I think this incident shows me that no matter how old we will get, no matter how far apart we are miles-wise, we will always be friends, we are sisters, and nothing can change that.
I haven't been hanging out with Jassy much just because I have work and am trying to make sure that I finish this semester on a high note. Still, I know I should go and see her more. :)
I hope you guys have a great day.
Love you!!
This is our 100th post?? That is super crazy.
Actually it's kind of funny, because then I went to some of the blogs I follow and realized that they have more like 500-2000 posts. Oh well. We are getting there. Still, I'd say that since we only started a year ago, that is pretty good.
I guess I want to tell you a little story about my summer. During my breaks I work on a Navel Base. I find a lot of enjoyment in my job, and am so grateful that I actually have one. However, it was on a break, must have been a Friday that I happened to have off or a Saturday.
Arika and I were hanging out and then decided to go shopping at Kmart and Walmart. What did we get? Spy gear and nerfguns (by the way, spell check is trying to change nerfguns to gunrunners . . . what?). That was super awesome. Then of course, we decided that we would need to attack Jassy with them.
We went to her house, armed and ready to help her meet her doom. But instead, she came to meet us with a spray bottle. Sure, it was ridiculous, yes, it was childish, but, it was fun, and something I hope to always remember.
I think this incident shows me that no matter how old we will get, no matter how far apart we are miles-wise, we will always be friends, we are sisters, and nothing can change that.
I haven't been hanging out with Jassy much just because I have work and am trying to make sure that I finish this semester on a high note. Still, I know I should go and see her more. :)
I hope you guys have a great day.
Love you!!
Monday, November 12, 2012
Fast Car
You've got a fast car
I wanna ticket to anywhere
Maybe we can make deal
Maybe together we can get somewhere
Anyplace is better
Starting from zero got nothing to lose
Maybe we can make something
But me myself I've got nothing to prove
Cuz I remember when we were driving
Driving in your car
Speeds so fast, it felt like I was drunk
City lights lay out before us
And your arm felt nice wrapped round my shoulder
And I, I had a feeling that I belonged
I, I, had a feeling that I could be someone
Be someone
Be someone
You've got a fast car
Is it fast enough that you can fly away?
We've gotta make a decision
Leave tonight or live and die this way
This isn't the entire song, and I strongly suggest listening to the entire thing. It's called "Fast Car" by Tracy Chapman, and it holds a certain magical quality. There is another song of the same name, that I'm going to share as well:
I'm in a battle with my heartbeat
The more I struggle, I get deep
I go full throttle down the dark streets
And there is trouble ahead, I get weak
It's like I'm running through a red light
Girl, you know you make me weak
I should be hitting all the brakes like
Hold up, hold up
It isn't like me to get caught up
But when you're running
You're never quite free
I really wasn't out to find love,
But now you've found me and made me all weak
It's like I'm running through a red light
Girl you know you make me weak
I should be hitting all the brakes like
Hold up, hold up
Girl you really turn me on
You know you make my engine run
And there's no turning back
Cuz we've gone so far
I'll drive you like a fast car
Well, I love and hate this song. The message the initial verses gives is so beautiful, and enthralling; he's a loner who is in a personal battle with himself, having fallen in love with a girl who has thrown him for a loop. And that gorgeous message is ruined by the crude chorus, where he states that would like to "drive her like a fast car". What the heck Tiao?
Anyway, there are two wonderful songs you should go listen to.
Arika :)
I wanna ticket to anywhere
Maybe we can make deal
Maybe together we can get somewhere
Anyplace is better
Starting from zero got nothing to lose
Maybe we can make something
But me myself I've got nothing to prove
Cuz I remember when we were driving
Driving in your car
Speeds so fast, it felt like I was drunk
City lights lay out before us
And your arm felt nice wrapped round my shoulder
And I, I had a feeling that I belonged
I, I, had a feeling that I could be someone
Be someone
Be someone
You've got a fast car
Is it fast enough that you can fly away?
We've gotta make a decision
Leave tonight or live and die this way
This isn't the entire song, and I strongly suggest listening to the entire thing. It's called "Fast Car" by Tracy Chapman, and it holds a certain magical quality. There is another song of the same name, that I'm going to share as well:
I'm in a battle with my heartbeat
The more I struggle, I get deep
I go full throttle down the dark streets
And there is trouble ahead, I get weak
It's like I'm running through a red light
Girl, you know you make me weak
I should be hitting all the brakes like
Hold up, hold up
It isn't like me to get caught up
But when you're running
You're never quite free
I really wasn't out to find love,
But now you've found me and made me all weak
It's like I'm running through a red light
Girl you know you make me weak
I should be hitting all the brakes like
Hold up, hold up
Girl you really turn me on
You know you make my engine run
And there's no turning back
Cuz we've gone so far
I'll drive you like a fast car
Well, I love and hate this song. The message the initial verses gives is so beautiful, and enthralling; he's a loner who is in a personal battle with himself, having fallen in love with a girl who has thrown him for a loop. And that gorgeous message is ruined by the crude chorus, where he states that would like to "drive her like a fast car". What the heck Tiao?
Anyway, there are two wonderful songs you should go listen to.
Arika :)
Sunday, November 11, 2012
What the Heck!?!?
So, how is it that Jassy actually wrote on the blog without me nagging her? Hmmmm . . . something mysterious is afoot. :)
Anyway, this one will be short. I just have some exciting news. Today I finished my eleventh novel, and the first in a series! I am so excited. :) I hope you all have a great week.
Anyway, this one will be short. I just have some exciting news. Today I finished my eleventh novel, and the first in a series! I am so excited. :) I hope you all have a great week.
Spiritual High= hyperness
So today my roommates and I discovered what happens to me after I get done with a spiritual high. The reason why I had a spiritual high in the first place was that we had Stake conference. It was just so great!!!! I don't remember half of what was said, but I felt the Spirit so strongly I almost cried like 5 different times. But when I got home, that was when it hit me. First it started with a overwhelming feeling of happiness, and that caused me to want to spread it around. I started talking really fast about anything and everything. Essentially I was hyper to a scary point. I'm pretty sure my roommates and parents( cause I called to talk to them) were very worried about my sanity. But I didn't and still don't care. I was happy.
I also decided to watch How To Train Your Dragon. I love that movie so much. I want a Dragon just like Toothless!!! Well that is all I can think to write now.
So tata! :)
I also decided to watch How To Train Your Dragon. I love that movie so much. I want a Dragon just like Toothless!!! Well that is all I can think to write now.
So tata! :)
Saturday, November 10, 2012
I wanna be a superhero
I do!
The concept of the 'super' human, (or, like my favorite hero family, the bats, not so 'super' as strong willed) has always captivated me, and, when combined with my overactive imagination, many different combinations arise.
As Aiden and Jassy can testify, I have written (or at least formulated) many fanfictions, (one which led to a great plan for superhero day senior year). In those stories, I fit my friends into various mantles, with Aiden always becoming Wonder Woman/Girl, and Jassy always becoming Supergirl, with me finishing the trio as Batgirl (Barbara Gordon, of course!)
But I also set to it to create my own superheroes: the one I put the most thought into building was Jennifer 'Jin' Long, aka Dragonette. The daughter of a masked vigilante and Asian dignitary, and raised by monks, Jin obviously had a lot going for her on combat terms, but the my favorite detail is that I (with Blue's help) found a plausible way for her to breathe fire. She's a biochem major at her university, where she stumbled upon the recipe of a gelatinous ether compound (thank Blue for that one) that, when put in contact with saliva, creates a gas that turns her breath into a non-toxic flammable gas. Then, she created insulated arm guards with a lighting mechanism that ends up landing squarely between her thumb and forefinger, which makes for quite the sight.
Jennifer was by far my favorite, mostly because I had engineered her entire story completely on my own. Others have come and gone: Asteria, daughter of the stars, or Lacy, complete with telepathy, telekinesis, flight and invisibility. But the overall theme remains the same.
I really want to be a superhero.
Arika :)
The concept of the 'super' human, (or, like my favorite hero family, the bats, not so 'super' as strong willed) has always captivated me, and, when combined with my overactive imagination, many different combinations arise.
As Aiden and Jassy can testify, I have written (or at least formulated) many fanfictions, (one which led to a great plan for superhero day senior year). In those stories, I fit my friends into various mantles, with Aiden always becoming Wonder Woman/Girl, and Jassy always becoming Supergirl, with me finishing the trio as Batgirl (Barbara Gordon, of course!)
But I also set to it to create my own superheroes: the one I put the most thought into building was Jennifer 'Jin' Long, aka Dragonette. The daughter of a masked vigilante and Asian dignitary, and raised by monks, Jin obviously had a lot going for her on combat terms, but the my favorite detail is that I (with Blue's help) found a plausible way for her to breathe fire. She's a biochem major at her university, where she stumbled upon the recipe of a gelatinous ether compound (thank Blue for that one) that, when put in contact with saliva, creates a gas that turns her breath into a non-toxic flammable gas. Then, she created insulated arm guards with a lighting mechanism that ends up landing squarely between her thumb and forefinger, which makes for quite the sight.
Jennifer was by far my favorite, mostly because I had engineered her entire story completely on my own. Others have come and gone: Asteria, daughter of the stars, or Lacy, complete with telepathy, telekinesis, flight and invisibility. But the overall theme remains the same.
I really want to be a superhero.
Arika :)
Sunday, November 4, 2012
My Hermitage
How do I explain this?
I've been ridiculously tired recently. I don't know what the source is, or why it's been hitting me so hard, but I made a decision.
I'm not going to see or talk to Red, Green, or Blue for a few weeks, other than what is totally necessary. I told them I wasn't going to talk to them because I needed time to heal, and recharge. By extent of avoiding them though, (because really that's what I'm doing) it means avoiding the two friends I think really are worried about me. Of the five guys I texted, Blue and Red didn't say a word, Green just said "Thanks, take care," but the other two, (let's call them Yellow and Orange) both wanted to make sure I was actually, truly ok before allowing me to go into a half-hermitage. It's been a week since I've seen any of them, but the only two I miss are Yellow and Orange. When I think of them, all I think of are jokes and laughter, thinking of the other three makes me frustrated.
Now, I'm really lonely. But I know that if I give in and go back, I'm gonna feel worse.
In the meantime, I've gotten closer to two other friends so I have plenty of company. I just miss yellow and orange.
I'll get past it. Won't be that much longer til I'm gone anyway.
I need my sisters back.
I've been ridiculously tired recently. I don't know what the source is, or why it's been hitting me so hard, but I made a decision.
I'm not going to see or talk to Red, Green, or Blue for a few weeks, other than what is totally necessary. I told them I wasn't going to talk to them because I needed time to heal, and recharge. By extent of avoiding them though, (because really that's what I'm doing) it means avoiding the two friends I think really are worried about me. Of the five guys I texted, Blue and Red didn't say a word, Green just said "Thanks, take care," but the other two, (let's call them Yellow and Orange) both wanted to make sure I was actually, truly ok before allowing me to go into a half-hermitage. It's been a week since I've seen any of them, but the only two I miss are Yellow and Orange. When I think of them, all I think of are jokes and laughter, thinking of the other three makes me frustrated.
Now, I'm really lonely. But I know that if I give in and go back, I'm gonna feel worse.
In the meantime, I've gotten closer to two other friends so I have plenty of company. I just miss yellow and orange.
I'll get past it. Won't be that much longer til I'm gone anyway.
I need my sisters back.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
The End of . . . October!!
Arika and Jassy?
Guess what?? We made it.
Sure, sometimes the posts were late, but wrote a lot of stuff this month. I loved reading all of your different things and honestly I feel a lot closer to both of you now.
Some things that happened this month?
I decided I'm going on a mission,
I turned 20 (ah!! no longer a teenager!!))
I started my mission papers.
That feels like a lot, and it is. It has been an emotional week, not to mention month. There were times when I felt like I couldn't do any more. Both my mom and sister reminded me that I don't have to make it through the month, I just have to make it past today. Sometimes that's all I can do, but it's always enough.
I hope you all enjoyed this month! Have a good day!
Guess what?? We made it.
Sure, sometimes the posts were late, but wrote a lot of stuff this month. I loved reading all of your different things and honestly I feel a lot closer to both of you now.
Some things that happened this month?
I decided I'm going on a mission,
I turned 20 (ah!! no longer a teenager!!))
I started my mission papers.
That feels like a lot, and it is. It has been an emotional week, not to mention month. There were times when I felt like I couldn't do any more. Both my mom and sister reminded me that I don't have to make it through the month, I just have to make it past today. Sometimes that's all I can do, but it's always enough.
I hope you all enjoyed this month! Have a good day!
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Halloween Treat
I closed my eyes, and took a deep calming breath. This was so much more than I had bargained for on a single Halloween. I could feel Aiden shaking from adrenaline and hear Jassy's quick, shallow breaths.
"We didn't mean to provoke you!" I yelled to the spirit that had to have been in the room. The recorder in my hand picked up my voice, and then continued to move, as if someone else was speaking.
"Let us go, and we won't come back!" Jassy stammered, sounding about as frightened as I felt.
The meter on the recorder continued to bounce up and down, at greater intervals now, as if something was yelling. I heard a creak behind us; when I looked up, I saw the facade, and the porcelain plates begin to lean.
"Get down!"
Mwahahahahaha!!!! Tis that beautiful time of year again when one can dress up like absolutely anything they want to, and run around for hours as a different person. It's one of my favorite holidays. I have my costume all ready to go, and tomorrow I will become a nineteenth century batgirl!
I can't wait!!!
I have been planning this costume for months, slowly massing every piece until finally, it all came together. The only thing that could make it more amazing would be if I could get a little handheld crossbow. Or a grappling hook. One of the two.
I had a mostly fantastic weekend, during which I decided that I'm not going to be hanging out with Blue, Green, or Red for a while. I need a break, and all they're doing is causing me frustration. I can't say I'm happy about it, but it's obviously needed.
I am incredibly excited for the coming months, because ...well, I can't think of a definitive reason why, I just know that I am. Maybe I'm hoping things will improve.
In any case, here's the next part of the story:
I pushed off a piece of broken facade, and coughed out some of the dust. If my sisters were any indication of how I looked, then I was covered in thick, pale, drywall dust.
"Is everyone ok?" Aiden asked, carefully removing broken pieces of plate from her hair.
"Other than choking on dust?" Jassy answered, taking a moment to spit out some of the residue that had made it to her mouth.
"We're all doing that," Aiden tossed the last shard of porcelain from her hair aside, "I mean did the broken plates cut you?"
"Oh, well, when you put it that way--"
"Hush," I said, checking the moniter that had miraculously managed to make it through rather unscathed, "Something's wrong."
"What?" Jassy murmured, quieted by my seriousness.
"The recorder is still picking up on something."
"Not us?" Aiden had a point.
"No," A deep voice suddenly boomed behind us, "Not you."
Happy Halloween!!
Arika ^.^
"We didn't mean to provoke you!" I yelled to the spirit that had to have been in the room. The recorder in my hand picked up my voice, and then continued to move, as if someone else was speaking.
"Let us go, and we won't come back!" Jassy stammered, sounding about as frightened as I felt.
The meter on the recorder continued to bounce up and down, at greater intervals now, as if something was yelling. I heard a creak behind us; when I looked up, I saw the facade, and the porcelain plates begin to lean.
"Get down!"
Mwahahahahaha!!!! Tis that beautiful time of year again when one can dress up like absolutely anything they want to, and run around for hours as a different person. It's one of my favorite holidays. I have my costume all ready to go, and tomorrow I will become a nineteenth century batgirl!
I can't wait!!!
I have been planning this costume for months, slowly massing every piece until finally, it all came together. The only thing that could make it more amazing would be if I could get a little handheld crossbow. Or a grappling hook. One of the two.
I had a mostly fantastic weekend, during which I decided that I'm not going to be hanging out with Blue, Green, or Red for a while. I need a break, and all they're doing is causing me frustration. I can't say I'm happy about it, but it's obviously needed.
I am incredibly excited for the coming months, because ...well, I can't think of a definitive reason why, I just know that I am. Maybe I'm hoping things will improve.
In any case, here's the next part of the story:
I pushed off a piece of broken facade, and coughed out some of the dust. If my sisters were any indication of how I looked, then I was covered in thick, pale, drywall dust.
"Is everyone ok?" Aiden asked, carefully removing broken pieces of plate from her hair.
"Other than choking on dust?" Jassy answered, taking a moment to spit out some of the residue that had made it to her mouth.
"We're all doing that," Aiden tossed the last shard of porcelain from her hair aside, "I mean did the broken plates cut you?"
"Oh, well, when you put it that way--"
"Hush," I said, checking the moniter that had miraculously managed to make it through rather unscathed, "Something's wrong."
"What?" Jassy murmured, quieted by my seriousness.
"The recorder is still picking up on something."
"Not us?" Aiden had a point.
"No," A deep voice suddenly boomed behind us, "Not you."
Happy Halloween!!
Arika ^.^
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Birthdays and Halloween
Happy Birthday Aiden!!!!!!!! Well as everyone now knows, it is Adien's birthday today. I am so happy and thankful we are friends. I know that we will continue to be great friends and sisters in the future as we grow closer together.
Well 4 more days until Halloween. Anyone have any great plans? I was probably going to go to a Halloween party thrown by my apt complex and spend time with my roommates and friends. Although I want to go through a haunted house. They are so fun! I love getting an adrenal rush as I run through the house screaming. I mean it isn't everyday that you can scream and not worry about people looking at you like you are insane.
Well until next time
Well 4 more days until Halloween. Anyone have any great plans? I was probably going to go to a Halloween party thrown by my apt complex and spend time with my roommates and friends. Although I want to go through a haunted house. They are so fun! I love getting an adrenal rush as I run through the house screaming. I mean it isn't everyday that you can scream and not worry about people looking at you like you are insane.
Well until next time
Thursday, October 25, 2012
The Story of How the Sisters Met
So, I'm not feeling very good today. In truth, I'm totally done with school and am excited for a long break. Then again, 18 months serving the Lord isn't likely to be the break I'm exactly looking for, but that's okay.
I was thinking a lot about Jassy and Arika for the past little while and then I tried to remember how we actually met each other. I suppose it's sort of funny, but here it goes.
Now, this part I'm not too familiar with it because I wasn't present. Regardless, Jassy and Arika met each other in Elementary school and got along quite well. I was not that lucky, then again, maybe how we met each other was for the best.
Jassy and I met each other in High School (ninth grade) during our first German Class. It was there that I met Max for the first time as well. Honestly, I think we all joined together because we are all members of the same church and we sort of have that sixth sense.
The conversation went something like this:
Jassy: Hi, you're Aiden right?
Aiden: Yeah, and you're Jasmine? (I was a little uncertain because I had always seen Jassy at a distance and she was just plain weird.(: )
Jassy: I bet this class will be a lot of fun.
Aiden: Yeah, the teacher seems super cool. At least she won't bite us.
Jassy: I've bitten a kid before.
Jassy: It was in Middle School. He tried to take me off the gym bars and when his arm reached across my vision I bit it. I got detention. Oh well. *Grins evily*
Aiden: *Scoots away from her*
And that was how our fabulous relationship was born. Surprisingly we got along quite well. We found out that we both have quirks and those quirks were reciprocal to each other, and that was great.
Then we found out that we had Honors Biology with Arika. It wasn't until a few months later that we also discovered that for the second semester we all had P.E. and then Biology. It was fine until I felt that Arika was pulling my newfound away from me.
That's right, I was surpremely jealous of Arika. She was the reason I didn't have Jassy to myself anymore. Let me tell you, that was really hard becaseu Arika was pretty much amazingly funny and nice, but I coudln't like her, and I am ashamed to say that for a few days I didn't really like her.
Then I'm pretty sure we talked about Harry Potter, or some other book series that only we had a supreme passion for. I figured out that she was pretty much amazing and a great person.
While we were friends, it wasn't until Junior year that we became insanely close and were asked a few times if we were twins, and if not, if we were at least sisters. I found that she is literally my twin. I am passionate about things and am not much for calm negotiations while Arika is all about calm discourse and is still passionate in her own ways.
Arika and Jassy are my go-to girls. Jassy and I roomed toggether our first semester and now we are roommates. We have decided to have an NCIS night (which we WILL honor) and just set time aside to talk. I know that I can talk to them about anything and they will listen and help me out, even just be there to hug me or hold my hand.
So while we all had our own versions of the first impressions (being that Jassy was weird and Arika was stealing one of my friends), I'm glad for the way things played out because it is what brought us together. It doesn't seem adequate, but you guys are my sisters by pen and nothing can tear that apart. As I write this I'm wearing my fire bracelet and smiling hugely.
Thank you for being with me through the good and bad. It means a lot, and know that I will always be here for you.
Love you!
Have a great day. :)
So, I'm not feeling very good today. In truth, I'm totally done with school and am excited for a long break. Then again, 18 months serving the Lord isn't likely to be the break I'm exactly looking for, but that's okay.
I was thinking a lot about Jassy and Arika for the past little while and then I tried to remember how we actually met each other. I suppose it's sort of funny, but here it goes.
Now, this part I'm not too familiar with it because I wasn't present. Regardless, Jassy and Arika met each other in Elementary school and got along quite well. I was not that lucky, then again, maybe how we met each other was for the best.
Jassy and I met each other in High School (ninth grade) during our first German Class. It was there that I met Max for the first time as well. Honestly, I think we all joined together because we are all members of the same church and we sort of have that sixth sense.
The conversation went something like this:
Jassy: Hi, you're Aiden right?
Aiden: Yeah, and you're Jasmine? (I was a little uncertain because I had always seen Jassy at a distance and she was just plain weird.(: )
Jassy: I bet this class will be a lot of fun.
Aiden: Yeah, the teacher seems super cool. At least she won't bite us.
Jassy: I've bitten a kid before.
Jassy: It was in Middle School. He tried to take me off the gym bars and when his arm reached across my vision I bit it. I got detention. Oh well. *Grins evily*
Aiden: *Scoots away from her*
And that was how our fabulous relationship was born. Surprisingly we got along quite well. We found out that we both have quirks and those quirks were reciprocal to each other, and that was great.
Then we found out that we had Honors Biology with Arika. It wasn't until a few months later that we also discovered that for the second semester we all had P.E. and then Biology. It was fine until I felt that Arika was pulling my newfound away from me.
That's right, I was surpremely jealous of Arika. She was the reason I didn't have Jassy to myself anymore. Let me tell you, that was really hard becaseu Arika was pretty much amazingly funny and nice, but I coudln't like her, and I am ashamed to say that for a few days I didn't really like her.
Then I'm pretty sure we talked about Harry Potter, or some other book series that only we had a supreme passion for. I figured out that she was pretty much amazing and a great person.
While we were friends, it wasn't until Junior year that we became insanely close and were asked a few times if we were twins, and if not, if we were at least sisters. I found that she is literally my twin. I am passionate about things and am not much for calm negotiations while Arika is all about calm discourse and is still passionate in her own ways.
Arika and Jassy are my go-to girls. Jassy and I roomed toggether our first semester and now we are roommates. We have decided to have an NCIS night (which we WILL honor) and just set time aside to talk. I know that I can talk to them about anything and they will listen and help me out, even just be there to hug me or hold my hand.
So while we all had our own versions of the first impressions (being that Jassy was weird and Arika was stealing one of my friends), I'm glad for the way things played out because it is what brought us together. It doesn't seem adequate, but you guys are my sisters by pen and nothing can tear that apart. As I write this I'm wearing my fire bracelet and smiling hugely.
Thank you for being with me through the good and bad. It means a lot, and know that I will always be here for you.
Love you!
Have a great day. :)
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
My Oath, and where life leads
Even though this was probably made apparent in last week's post...
Ok, so, we all know that when it comes to my family (note, this is my definition of family, which extends far beyond my bloodline) I would do absolutely anything for them. Well, this doesn't surprise me, I'm extremely proud of this trait, and I work my hardest to maintain my family's happiness.
Well I found a song a couple of weeks ago that I think puts my quest perfectly into words:
All the scars we share,
I promise, I swear!
Where ever you go, just always remember
That you've got a home, for now and forever
And if you get low, just call me whenever
This my oath to you!
Where ever you go, just always remember
You're never alone, we're birds of a feather
And we'll never change, no matter the weather
This is my oath to you!
That is "Oath" by Cher Lloyd. I love that chorus, and I've decided to make it my oath. So here in writing, I hereby decree, that no matter how far away we are, no matter how much time has passed, if you have a problem, or the world is falling apart, or all you need is a hug, or kind words, or a terrible joke, I am here for you, forever. If I can't answer your call or text right away, I will work that much harder to make sure you're ok, or make the joke you need that much more groan-inducing. I know that when I get my own place, my family will be welcome there whenever. (I can't say the same now, as my parent have a strong say in who comes to the house and when)
But this is my oath, and I will try everything in my power to uphold it.
Also, it looks like I'll be taking seven (count them--seven!!) classes next semester. Dear God, that is gonna be a toughie. I'm quitting my job in January, and I have a feeling my social life will be heavily affected. But: this is a challenge I feel needs to be faced. Others (including my dear sisters, one of whom has already taken an almost equally ridiculous amount of credits) may think I am unbelievably bonkers, and I know for certain that this will be a one time thing, but I'm going to do it, and work as hard as I can to keep my head above the water.
Honestly though, I'm really scared. Next semester is the beginning of the change: I will leave my job behind, focus entirely on classes, and then, come May, begin the process of leaving everything I've known for the past ten years behind as well. I'm not scared of the things coming--I'm incredibly excited to move to a four-year--I'm afraid of the imminent change. I always have been, even if I accept the inevitability of it now. It's probably the source of my anxiety attacks; who knew an idea could be so terrifying?
We were strangers, starting out on a journey
Never dreaming what we'd have to go through.
Now here we are, and I'm suddenly standing
At the beginning with you.
Cuz, you make me feel so right
Even when it's so wrong
I wanna scream out loud boy
But I just bite my tongue
This is for the girls messing with boys
Like he's the melody and she's background noise
Baby why can't you see?
It feels so good, but you're so bad for me.
Everybody's looking for that something
The one thing that makes it all complete
You'll find it in the strangest places
Places you never thought it would be
Some find it in the face of their children
Some find it in their lovers eyes
Who can deny the joy it brings?
When you've found that special thing
You're flying without wings.
Well for me it's waking up beside you
To see the sun rise on your face
To know that I can say I love you
At any given time or place
It's the little things that only I know
Those are things that make you mine
And it's like flying without wings
You're my special thing
I'm flying without wings.
Cuz that's the joy you bring.
I'm flying without wings.
That's it for me today.
Arika :)
Ok, so, we all know that when it comes to my family (note, this is my definition of family, which extends far beyond my bloodline) I would do absolutely anything for them. Well, this doesn't surprise me, I'm extremely proud of this trait, and I work my hardest to maintain my family's happiness.
Well I found a song a couple of weeks ago that I think puts my quest perfectly into words:
All the scars we share,
I promise, I swear!
Where ever you go, just always remember
That you've got a home, for now and forever
And if you get low, just call me whenever
This my oath to you!
Where ever you go, just always remember
You're never alone, we're birds of a feather
And we'll never change, no matter the weather
This is my oath to you!
That is "Oath" by Cher Lloyd. I love that chorus, and I've decided to make it my oath. So here in writing, I hereby decree, that no matter how far away we are, no matter how much time has passed, if you have a problem, or the world is falling apart, or all you need is a hug, or kind words, or a terrible joke, I am here for you, forever. If I can't answer your call or text right away, I will work that much harder to make sure you're ok, or make the joke you need that much more groan-inducing. I know that when I get my own place, my family will be welcome there whenever. (I can't say the same now, as my parent have a strong say in who comes to the house and when)
But this is my oath, and I will try everything in my power to uphold it.
Also, it looks like I'll be taking seven (count them--seven!!) classes next semester. Dear God, that is gonna be a toughie. I'm quitting my job in January, and I have a feeling my social life will be heavily affected. But: this is a challenge I feel needs to be faced. Others (including my dear sisters, one of whom has already taken an almost equally ridiculous amount of credits) may think I am unbelievably bonkers, and I know for certain that this will be a one time thing, but I'm going to do it, and work as hard as I can to keep my head above the water.
Honestly though, I'm really scared. Next semester is the beginning of the change: I will leave my job behind, focus entirely on classes, and then, come May, begin the process of leaving everything I've known for the past ten years behind as well. I'm not scared of the things coming--I'm incredibly excited to move to a four-year--I'm afraid of the imminent change. I always have been, even if I accept the inevitability of it now. It's probably the source of my anxiety attacks; who knew an idea could be so terrifying?
We were strangers, starting out on a journey
Never dreaming what we'd have to go through.
Now here we are, and I'm suddenly standing
At the beginning with you.
Cuz, you make me feel so right
Even when it's so wrong
I wanna scream out loud boy
But I just bite my tongue
This is for the girls messing with boys
Like he's the melody and she's background noise
Baby why can't you see?
It feels so good, but you're so bad for me.
Everybody's looking for that something
The one thing that makes it all complete
You'll find it in the strangest places
Places you never thought it would be
Some find it in the face of their children
Some find it in their lovers eyes
Who can deny the joy it brings?
When you've found that special thing
You're flying without wings.
Well for me it's waking up beside you
To see the sun rise on your face
To know that I can say I love you
At any given time or place
It's the little things that only I know
Those are things that make you mine
And it's like flying without wings
You're my special thing
I'm flying without wings.
Cuz that's the joy you bring.
I'm flying without wings.
That's it for me today.
Arika :)
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Baking. It's addicting!!
Hey ya'll!!! I am acctually posting on time today! Maybe it's because Aiden reminded me at church today. But that's just a theory.
Anyway...I have fallen in love with baking. It is so fun and addicting. Right now I am baking a carrot cake. I absolutely love carrot cake. If anyone tries to steal it from me, I WILL EAT THEIR SOUL!!!!! Which I don't think will taste as good as carrot cake. I also made some Betty Crocker cookies earlier this week. Needless to say, they didn't last long enough for me to even contemplate sharing them. If anyone has any baking ideas or recipes, hit me up. I would love to try something new and delicious.
Well I am going mention that it is very hard to mix the ingredients for carrot cake while your favorite television show is on. I would be measuring out an ingredient when the commercial would end, the put it in the mixer when the next commercial started. It was fun, but it took much longer to make the cake than I was used to.
I completely wigged out in this weeks episode of Once Upon A Time. I won't say what happened because Aiden hasn't watched it yet, but it was AMAZING!!!!!!!! I loved it. And next weeks episode we find out who Dr. Whale is. I have a theory, and according to the preview, I am pretty dang sure I am right. Like 99% sure. I will leave 1% marginal for error.
Well as far as anything going on with me, I can say I have had much of a boring life. There hasn't really been anything exciting..wait I did watch the Presidential debate again. It was funny because Obama kept attacking Romney and his plans and not answering the question most of the time. And Romney kept interepting the Moderater and was hard to get to stop talking. It was commical.
Well until next time. :)
Anyway...I have fallen in love with baking. It is so fun and addicting. Right now I am baking a carrot cake. I absolutely love carrot cake. If anyone tries to steal it from me, I WILL EAT THEIR SOUL!!!!! Which I don't think will taste as good as carrot cake. I also made some Betty Crocker cookies earlier this week. Needless to say, they didn't last long enough for me to even contemplate sharing them. If anyone has any baking ideas or recipes, hit me up. I would love to try something new and delicious.
Well I am going mention that it is very hard to mix the ingredients for carrot cake while your favorite television show is on. I would be measuring out an ingredient when the commercial would end, the put it in the mixer when the next commercial started. It was fun, but it took much longer to make the cake than I was used to.
I completely wigged out in this weeks episode of Once Upon A Time. I won't say what happened because Aiden hasn't watched it yet, but it was AMAZING!!!!!!!! I loved it. And next weeks episode we find out who Dr. Whale is. I have a theory, and according to the preview, I am pretty dang sure I am right. Like 99% sure. I will leave 1% marginal for error.
Well as far as anything going on with me, I can say I have had much of a boring life. There hasn't really been anything exciting..wait I did watch the Presidential debate again. It was funny because Obama kept attacking Romney and his plans and not answering the question most of the time. And Romney kept interepting the Moderater and was hard to get to stop talking. It was commical.
Well until next time. :)
Friday, October 19, 2012
I don't even know.
This semester has been crazy. Like, I'm officially always tired crazy.
I am taking 18 credits, working a job, and working on being okay mentally and emotionally. It isn't easy. Maybe someone could do it. Heck, someone could work two jobs and take 21 credits and still have better grades than me or be more stable than I am. Well guess what? I'm not them, I'm me. And that is okay.
I don't think, when I come back from my mission, that I will take 18 credits again, especially when I have a job. It is too much for me, especially when I have to close the library in the evening and don't get to be until 12:00 P.M. Sure, some people do that all the time, but I am the type of person who usually goes to bed at 10:30 (the latest) and gets up at 6:00 every stinking morning.
So I guess you could say that I have learned a lot this semester, I have learned about some of my limits, and for that I'm grateful. :)
I hope you all have a great weekend and keep enjoying life.
I am taking 18 credits, working a job, and working on being okay mentally and emotionally. It isn't easy. Maybe someone could do it. Heck, someone could work two jobs and take 21 credits and still have better grades than me or be more stable than I am. Well guess what? I'm not them, I'm me. And that is okay.
I don't think, when I come back from my mission, that I will take 18 credits again, especially when I have a job. It is too much for me, especially when I have to close the library in the evening and don't get to be until 12:00 P.M. Sure, some people do that all the time, but I am the type of person who usually goes to bed at 10:30 (the latest) and gets up at 6:00 every stinking morning.
So I guess you could say that I have learned a lot this semester, I have learned about some of my limits, and for that I'm grateful. :)
I hope you all have a great weekend and keep enjoying life.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Name that Song!!
Life is a road and I wanna keep going
Love is a river I wanna keep flowing
Life is a road--now and forever
A wonderful journey
I'll be there when the world stops turning
I'll be there when the storm is through
In the end, I wanna be standing
At the beginning with you
That is the chorus of 'At the Beginning', by Richard Marx and Donna Lewis; you may recognize it from the hit animated movie, Anastastia. Well, I was thinking about the end of the year today, because I found out fairly recently that with school and everything, I would be quitting my job come January. So there I was, staring at my desk calender where it ended on December 31, and I couldn't help but think "What a journey," which led to me remembering this song, and writing it out.
It was one of those profound moments where an (arguably) pop song made me have a spiritual moment. There are really no ends, only shifts to new beginnings. Technically, yes, whatever you had been a part of ends, but there's always a beginning to follow it. Like when one door closes, another opens. And when this year ends, be it like the average year on December 31, or in a firey crazy apocolypse on December 21/22 (I really think the Mayans just need a new calender), I am going to have my sisters right beside me, standing on the forefront of the next beginning.
In other news, that hiccup I talked about last time continued longer than I thought. For a recap, there are three other characters to this story:
Blue--the guy I have been accused of crushing on
Green--the first guy to confront me about it (if you think this is backwards, just wait), and
Red--the second guy to confront me, who was conversing with Green about said relationship
Well, first, let me start four weeks ago. Green and I (as well as another friend, who doesn't play as big of a part, so let's just call him Yellow and forget) were stargazing, and one thing led to another, and Green asked me if I was interested in anyone in the group. Well, I went through each guy, including Blue, and explained why I wasn't interested in any of them. After that, I thought the matter was closed. Until that party where Red asked me again. Well, Red hadn't been stargazing, so he wouldn't know (I thought) and so I explained to Red why I wasn't interested in Blue. Red then commented that he and Green had been talking about it. Well, that's odd, I thought, I told Green just last week how I felt, he should know! So then the doubt set in; I became extremely concerned about how I acted around Blue and the other guys, because I'm not really one who honestly admits favoritism, and I work my hardest to make sure there isn't any proof of it--as a result, I backed off from the guys when we were hanging out.
Here is the kicker: that night, Green asked me if I was actually deep, head over heels in love with Blue because I HADN'T been as close to him or paying as much attention to him that night, "OBVIOUSLY" pointing to the fact that I had to have been hurt by him or upset at him in someway.
I was at a complete loss! How on God's green earth am I supposed to make it clear in both word and act that I'm not interested in Blue if I'm gonna be accused of loving him no matter how I act?!
Well, to clear the air, I talked to Blue this morning, and reaffirmed with him that we are, in fact, just friends, interested in each other only as friends, and completely totally comfortable with it. Afterwards, I talked to both Red and Green, explaining the entire timeline to them, and explaining to them what their insistance at my involvement with Blue had cost me in confidence in the past week.
Both of them agreed not to confuse fiction with reality, especially when it concerns my love life.
I've got to admit though, they actually got me to talk about my feelings for Blue with Blue, which is something I never saw myself doing. They're clever sons of guns.
So yea, the hiccup is over (I think, hope and desperately pray, because if they still think I'm just in denial, I don't think I can hang out with any of them any more), and I can finally go back to loving life.
Just in time for Halloween :D
One more catchy-pop-song-that-I-can't-get-out-of-my-head for the road!
The other night, you would not believe
the dream I just had about you and me
I called you up, and we both agreed
It's for the best you didn't listen
It's for the best to keep our distance
It's for the best you didn't listen
It's for the best to keep our distance
See you next week!
Love is a river I wanna keep flowing
Life is a road--now and forever
A wonderful journey
I'll be there when the world stops turning
I'll be there when the storm is through
In the end, I wanna be standing
At the beginning with you
That is the chorus of 'At the Beginning', by Richard Marx and Donna Lewis; you may recognize it from the hit animated movie, Anastastia. Well, I was thinking about the end of the year today, because I found out fairly recently that with school and everything, I would be quitting my job come January. So there I was, staring at my desk calender where it ended on December 31, and I couldn't help but think "What a journey," which led to me remembering this song, and writing it out.
It was one of those profound moments where an (arguably) pop song made me have a spiritual moment. There are really no ends, only shifts to new beginnings. Technically, yes, whatever you had been a part of ends, but there's always a beginning to follow it. Like when one door closes, another opens. And when this year ends, be it like the average year on December 31, or in a firey crazy apocolypse on December 21/22 (I really think the Mayans just need a new calender), I am going to have my sisters right beside me, standing on the forefront of the next beginning.
In other news, that hiccup I talked about last time continued longer than I thought. For a recap, there are three other characters to this story:
Blue--the guy I have been accused of crushing on
Green--the first guy to confront me about it (if you think this is backwards, just wait), and
Red--the second guy to confront me, who was conversing with Green about said relationship
Well, first, let me start four weeks ago. Green and I (as well as another friend, who doesn't play as big of a part, so let's just call him Yellow and forget) were stargazing, and one thing led to another, and Green asked me if I was interested in anyone in the group. Well, I went through each guy, including Blue, and explained why I wasn't interested in any of them. After that, I thought the matter was closed. Until that party where Red asked me again. Well, Red hadn't been stargazing, so he wouldn't know (I thought) and so I explained to Red why I wasn't interested in Blue. Red then commented that he and Green had been talking about it. Well, that's odd, I thought, I told Green just last week how I felt, he should know! So then the doubt set in; I became extremely concerned about how I acted around Blue and the other guys, because I'm not really one who honestly admits favoritism, and I work my hardest to make sure there isn't any proof of it--as a result, I backed off from the guys when we were hanging out.
Here is the kicker: that night, Green asked me if I was actually deep, head over heels in love with Blue because I HADN'T been as close to him or paying as much attention to him that night, "OBVIOUSLY" pointing to the fact that I had to have been hurt by him or upset at him in someway.
I was at a complete loss! How on God's green earth am I supposed to make it clear in both word and act that I'm not interested in Blue if I'm gonna be accused of loving him no matter how I act?!
Well, to clear the air, I talked to Blue this morning, and reaffirmed with him that we are, in fact, just friends, interested in each other only as friends, and completely totally comfortable with it. Afterwards, I talked to both Red and Green, explaining the entire timeline to them, and explaining to them what their insistance at my involvement with Blue had cost me in confidence in the past week.
Both of them agreed not to confuse fiction with reality, especially when it concerns my love life.
I've got to admit though, they actually got me to talk about my feelings for Blue with Blue, which is something I never saw myself doing. They're clever sons of guns.
So yea, the hiccup is over (I think, hope and desperately pray, because if they still think I'm just in denial, I don't think I can hang out with any of them any more), and I can finally go back to loving life.
Just in time for Halloween :D
One more catchy-pop-song-that-I-can't-get-out-of-my-head for the road!
The other night, you would not believe
the dream I just had about you and me
I called you up, and we both agreed
It's for the best you didn't listen
It's for the best to keep our distance
It's for the best you didn't listen
It's for the best to keep our distance
See you next week!
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Once Upon A Time....
Once upon a time, there was a girl named Jassy. She was an avid reader and was never really hooked on any television show. Then one fateful day, she was introduced to the show Once Upon A Time. Ever since she has grown to love the show.
I am so excited to the next episode of Once Upon A Time!!!!!! It deals with captain hook, and it delves deeper into Rumpelstiltskin's past! I swear he is my favorite character in the entire show! We also get more romance between Rumpelstiltskin and Belle. They are the best couple in the entire series! I remember I was watching this interview with Robert Carlyle, the actor who portrays Rumpelstiltskin, and he said how surprised the writers and creators of Once Upon A Time were of the reception that the story of Rumpelstiltskin and Belle received He said they were not expecting really anything, but so many people became fans of the fairy tale couple. I guess it just shows that humans are just suckers for love with trials.
I personally love the idea that everyone deserves happiness and love.
Well this post is a day late. Sorry. I get distracted real easily.
Well until next time.
I am so excited to the next episode of Once Upon A Time!!!!!! It deals with captain hook, and it delves deeper into Rumpelstiltskin's past! I swear he is my favorite character in the entire show! We also get more romance between Rumpelstiltskin and Belle. They are the best couple in the entire series! I remember I was watching this interview with Robert Carlyle, the actor who portrays Rumpelstiltskin, and he said how surprised the writers and creators of Once Upon A Time were of the reception that the story of Rumpelstiltskin and Belle received He said they were not expecting really anything, but so many people became fans of the fairy tale couple. I guess it just shows that humans are just suckers for love with trials.
I personally love the idea that everyone deserves happiness and love.
Well this post is a day late. Sorry. I get distracted real easily.
Well until next time.
What the HECK Jassy!
What was that Jassy?
When I reminded you about writing on the blog what did you text back? What was it? Oh yeah.
Last I checked, okay meant that you would, that it would in fact happen the day it was supposed to. Maybe I was mistaken. :)
<3 you!
When I reminded you about writing on the blog what did you text back? What was it? Oh yeah.
Last I checked, okay meant that you would, that it would in fact happen the day it was supposed to. Maybe I was mistaken. :)
<3 you!
Saturday, October 13, 2012
In which I ate my fork.
I did.
I really, really did.
I ate plastic this week. It tasted delicous. Then again, it might not have, but I didn't taste it by itself since it was smothered in nacho cheese.
My sister and I ate at the food court yesterday. In short, it was delicious and amazing. I sort of wanted to hug the cook. However, about halfway through, I was eating a chip and felt something go *crack* and crunch in a way I hadn't experienced before. I pulled out my plastic fork and discovered that one of the prongs had been chomped off by about a quater of an inch. That bit of plastic was then in my mouth making its way to my stomach.
I hope I don't die guys!
I did.
I really, really did.
I ate plastic this week. It tasted delicous. Then again, it might not have, but I didn't taste it by itself since it was smothered in nacho cheese.
My sister and I ate at the food court yesterday. In short, it was delicious and amazing. I sort of wanted to hug the cook. However, about halfway through, I was eating a chip and felt something go *crack* and crunch in a way I hadn't experienced before. I pulled out my plastic fork and discovered that one of the prongs had been chomped off by about a quater of an inch. That bit of plastic was then in my mouth making its way to my stomach.
I hope I don't die guys!
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Ha! I bet you thought I forgot, didn't you?!
Whether I did or not is irrelevant, because I remembered!!
Anyway, my stress relieving method continues to be a worthwhile, if not indescribable release. Life was great!
Really, truly, life still is fantastic, it just hiccuped.
On Friday, while out with my group of guy friends (because I am the only girl in my group as of right now who is still permanently settled in town) two things happened: first, I asked one of my guy friends to the USMC ball with me, as friends. He tentatively agreed, which is understandable if only because you never know for sure if he will attend something until he arrives there. Second, the same guy friend and I shared a cake, because we both wanted half. Understandable, right?
Apparently not.
Because on Saturday, while with a lightly larger group of the same friends, another guy friend (let's call him red, and the cake boy blue) texted me asking what was up between me and blue. Well, quite obviously, I was confused, until he elaborated that blue had told him about the ball, and well, we 'had' shared a cake. I assured red that blue and I are just friends. So he continued by saying that that was great, because he and ANOTHER friend (green) had been discussing the issue of my relationship with blue, and both agreed that he was leading me on.
Well that has put me in a bit of a spot. I love blue as my friend, and even though I used to long for the day that we would be together, I've realized that is never ever going to work! For one, due to outstanding circumstances, our relationship would have an expiration date. Second, we are two of the most stubborn people on the face of the planet when it comes to food preparation. Cooking and baking are a very important pastime to me, and to have anyone suggest that I'm doing something wrong puts me off--to have him do it makes me angrier.
And I thought I had made that clear--I know I told green outright. So now, I'm worried, mostly about what my friends are seeing when I'm with them.
But, at the same time, part of me just thinks they're over-reacting, and that I have no reason to worry.
So yeah, life hiccuped.
Two posts down and three more to go!! Let's hope I keep this up!!
Arika :)
Whether I did or not is irrelevant, because I remembered!!
Anyway, my stress relieving method continues to be a worthwhile, if not indescribable release. Life was great!
Really, truly, life still is fantastic, it just hiccuped.
On Friday, while out with my group of guy friends (because I am the only girl in my group as of right now who is still permanently settled in town) two things happened: first, I asked one of my guy friends to the USMC ball with me, as friends. He tentatively agreed, which is understandable if only because you never know for sure if he will attend something until he arrives there. Second, the same guy friend and I shared a cake, because we both wanted half. Understandable, right?
Apparently not.
Because on Saturday, while with a lightly larger group of the same friends, another guy friend (let's call him red, and the cake boy blue) texted me asking what was up between me and blue. Well, quite obviously, I was confused, until he elaborated that blue had told him about the ball, and well, we 'had' shared a cake. I assured red that blue and I are just friends. So he continued by saying that that was great, because he and ANOTHER friend (green) had been discussing the issue of my relationship with blue, and both agreed that he was leading me on.
Well that has put me in a bit of a spot. I love blue as my friend, and even though I used to long for the day that we would be together, I've realized that is never ever going to work! For one, due to outstanding circumstances, our relationship would have an expiration date. Second, we are two of the most stubborn people on the face of the planet when it comes to food preparation. Cooking and baking are a very important pastime to me, and to have anyone suggest that I'm doing something wrong puts me off--to have him do it makes me angrier.
And I thought I had made that clear--I know I told green outright. So now, I'm worried, mostly about what my friends are seeing when I'm with them.
But, at the same time, part of me just thinks they're over-reacting, and that I have no reason to worry.
So yeah, life hiccuped.
Two posts down and three more to go!! Let's hope I keep this up!!
Arika :)
I'm so sorry for not posting on time. I have had a lot of homework lately. But I was able to go swing dancing last night. It was very fun. We learned some Lindy Hop moves. I also met a guy. He was really fun to dance with and talk too. I am interested in getting to know him more. His name is Jordan, and we are friends on facebook if you want to see what he looks like Aiden and Arika.
Well today I am going to go donate plasma with my roommate. She has never gone before I am going as support. Also I am going to get some extra cash.
Also tonight there is a straw maze that we are going to. I have never gone to one, and I think it will be very fun!
Well until next time.
Well today I am going to go donate plasma with my roommate. She has never gone before I am going as support. Also I am going to get some extra cash.
Also tonight there is a straw maze that we are going to. I have never gone to one, and I think it will be very fun!
Well until next time.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Big Decision My Friends
Okay so here it goes.
I don't think I've ever come out and said it, but probably eluded to it. I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Most people call us LDS or Mormon. To answer your questions, Jassy and I are LDS, Arika is not.
Yesterday we had our semi-annual General Conference. All over the world members of our church gather together to hear the words of our prophet and leaders. It is a very special times since we are told of ways we can become better and how to do so.
For the first session, our Prophet, Thomas S. Monson announced a very historic change. Typically missionaries are men. It's almost a rite of passage. They can leave on their mission anywhere from the age of 19-25. It is more of a requirement to go, but at the same time, they can still choose to or to not go. Women can go as well, but their minimum age limit is 21. That means I would have another year before I could even consider going.
A little background information. When I was growing up, I always really wanted to go on a mission when I turned 21. But, when I got to college, I had this surge of feeling. I didn't want to go on a mission (which was fine), but wanted to finish my degree and start my job as soon as possible.
Anyway, at General Conference, our beloved Prophet stood up and announced that for quite a while now, young men from other countries have been able to leave on their missions when they are 18. This helps them with school and other activities they wish to participate in. President Monson announced that since it has worked so well, the minimum age a Young Man can serve has been lowered to the age of 18. The only requirement is that they complete high school.
Now, here comes the crazy part. Right when they were announcing the change of age for the young men, I had this overwhelming feeling that they were going to change the age for women. It was going to go down to 19 and I would serve a mission.
Then the announcement did come. The age for women had been lowered to 19.
So I guess to tell you in short. I am going on a mission. I will finish my semester here and hopefully head out sometime between January 2013 and April 2013.
This means that I will graduate about a year later than I had planned. It is a little difficult for me to realize that I will be a year behind in schooling, but that is honestly okay. One year is not that much of a difference when I think about eternity.
I feel overwhelmed by my decision and even though I know it is the right one, I still feel very nervous. I am worried about leaving my mom for a year and a half. That is one of the things about missionary work. We pledge to be full-time missionaries. To be doing the Lord's work full-time, it is important that we don't have any distractions. I am only allowed to call my family on Mother's Day and Christmas. However, I am allowed to write them all I want, send email once a week, and many other great things. It is daunting, but I know, with the Lord's help, I can do this.
Jassy and Arika? This blog will need to be maintained. I know that I won't leave for quite some time, but still. I expect to come home to a year and a half worth of blogging material. I can't even tell you how much my heart aches thinking I won't be able to see you for a 18 months. It is scary, but I want you to understand, that I know the Lord wants me to serve a mission.
I love you two so much!
Have a great day!
I don't think I've ever come out and said it, but probably eluded to it. I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Most people call us LDS or Mormon. To answer your questions, Jassy and I are LDS, Arika is not.
Yesterday we had our semi-annual General Conference. All over the world members of our church gather together to hear the words of our prophet and leaders. It is a very special times since we are told of ways we can become better and how to do so.
For the first session, our Prophet, Thomas S. Monson announced a very historic change. Typically missionaries are men. It's almost a rite of passage. They can leave on their mission anywhere from the age of 19-25. It is more of a requirement to go, but at the same time, they can still choose to or to not go. Women can go as well, but their minimum age limit is 21. That means I would have another year before I could even consider going.
A little background information. When I was growing up, I always really wanted to go on a mission when I turned 21. But, when I got to college, I had this surge of feeling. I didn't want to go on a mission (which was fine), but wanted to finish my degree and start my job as soon as possible.
Anyway, at General Conference, our beloved Prophet stood up and announced that for quite a while now, young men from other countries have been able to leave on their missions when they are 18. This helps them with school and other activities they wish to participate in. President Monson announced that since it has worked so well, the minimum age a Young Man can serve has been lowered to the age of 18. The only requirement is that they complete high school.
Now, here comes the crazy part. Right when they were announcing the change of age for the young men, I had this overwhelming feeling that they were going to change the age for women. It was going to go down to 19 and I would serve a mission.
Then the announcement did come. The age for women had been lowered to 19.
So I guess to tell you in short. I am going on a mission. I will finish my semester here and hopefully head out sometime between January 2013 and April 2013.
This means that I will graduate about a year later than I had planned. It is a little difficult for me to realize that I will be a year behind in schooling, but that is honestly okay. One year is not that much of a difference when I think about eternity.
I feel overwhelmed by my decision and even though I know it is the right one, I still feel very nervous. I am worried about leaving my mom for a year and a half. That is one of the things about missionary work. We pledge to be full-time missionaries. To be doing the Lord's work full-time, it is important that we don't have any distractions. I am only allowed to call my family on Mother's Day and Christmas. However, I am allowed to write them all I want, send email once a week, and many other great things. It is daunting, but I know, with the Lord's help, I can do this.
Jassy and Arika? This blog will need to be maintained. I know that I won't leave for quite some time, but still. I expect to come home to a year and a half worth of blogging material. I can't even tell you how much my heart aches thinking I won't be able to see you for a 18 months. It is scary, but I want you to understand, that I know the Lord wants me to serve a mission.
I love you two so much!
Have a great day!
Friday, October 5, 2012
Challenge Accepted!
I hereby accept the challenge!!
So, October's here! At last, one of my most favorite months has arrived! October has always held a special place in my heart, because I love any excuse to dress up, and Halloween is the queen of excuses. This year, I am dressing up as a Victorian Era Batgirl, who happens to be my favorite superhero. And the candy, the candy is always a plus.
In other news, life has backed off a bit, and I am much more relaxed and loving it. I have a release now, and it makes me feel so good, I can't explain it!
And I have been on a creative streak lately, but not in the normal way. This semester, I'm taking a ceramics class, and I love it!!! I'm able to create whatever my heart desires. It makes me so happy, except when I can't think of what to make. In those cases though, all I have to do is text my friends and ask them what I should make. I have made a tea set, two pendants, two vases, three sculptures, a bookend, a planetarium (yep, you read that right) and an engraved scroll.
I am so excited for this month to play out.
Lots of love!
So, October's here! At last, one of my most favorite months has arrived! October has always held a special place in my heart, because I love any excuse to dress up, and Halloween is the queen of excuses. This year, I am dressing up as a Victorian Era Batgirl, who happens to be my favorite superhero. And the candy, the candy is always a plus.
In other news, life has backed off a bit, and I am much more relaxed and loving it. I have a release now, and it makes me feel so good, I can't explain it!
And I have been on a creative streak lately, but not in the normal way. This semester, I'm taking a ceramics class, and I love it!!! I'm able to create whatever my heart desires. It makes me so happy, except when I can't think of what to make. In those cases though, all I have to do is text my friends and ask them what I should make. I have made a tea set, two pendants, two vases, three sculptures, a bookend, a planetarium (yep, you read that right) and an engraved scroll.
I am so excited for this month to play out.
Lots of love!
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
So I'm not sure how well you realize I am in love with the show Once Upon a Time. It is my favorite show! Ever since the first season came out, I have watched random clips from it. Mainly the ones dealing with Rumpelstiltskin and Belle. They are the characters of Beauty and the Beast (which is the best fairy tale ever). I have always loved the story of Beauty and the Beast, so any version of the tale fascinates me. The one from Once Upon a Time is the one that fascinates me the most. My favorite character is also Rumpelstiltskin. He is so fascinating. I remember when he was first introduced, he was creepy! But as the series goes on and you learn more about the background of the characters (including Rumpelstiltskin) he grows on you.
So I am really excited for the second episode of the second season to come out!!!!!!
I am excited for this weekend in general. General Conference is happening this weekend. I love listening to General Conference. To me it makes me feel closer to our leaders of the church. They always have so many great messages! The sad part is that when I was younger, and even now still, I will doze off. I have a goal to stay awake through all 4 sessions this year.
On another note, I am actually listening to the Political Debate between Obama and Romney. For all of you who don't know, I tend to stay away from politics like the plague. I just don't like all the arguing and fighting. I decided I will do my own research on who I am going to vote for. Also another reason why I stay away is that I tend to get worked up when people are being idiotic and selfish. Which is basically all the politicians. I'm not saying all of the are selfish, and corrupt. Some of them are very nice and work for the people. I've just noticed that most of the politicians only really look out for what benefits them, and not he majority of the people. So all I say to you guys is to stay educated and vote for the one who will do what's best fro the majority of the people and give them freedom.
I just had a great idea for job opportunities. Build a railroad system, and upgrade our trains so more people can travel on them and that they are more accessible. This would cut back on gas, provide transportation, give people more jobs (building the railroads and keeping them clean and repaired, people to help the passengers feel comfortable(similar to airplanes), entertainment), this will also be a great way to get people to better tourist destinations that they wouldn't usually go to because of time and availability, it would boost our tourism. I just thought it was a great idea. I'm sure it's not perfect, but it is an idea.
Well until next time.
So I am really excited for the second episode of the second season to come out!!!!!!
I am excited for this weekend in general. General Conference is happening this weekend. I love listening to General Conference. To me it makes me feel closer to our leaders of the church. They always have so many great messages! The sad part is that when I was younger, and even now still, I will doze off. I have a goal to stay awake through all 4 sessions this year.
On another note, I am actually listening to the Political Debate between Obama and Romney. For all of you who don't know, I tend to stay away from politics like the plague. I just don't like all the arguing and fighting. I decided I will do my own research on who I am going to vote for. Also another reason why I stay away is that I tend to get worked up when people are being idiotic and selfish. Which is basically all the politicians. I'm not saying all of the are selfish, and corrupt. Some of them are very nice and work for the people. I've just noticed that most of the politicians only really look out for what benefits them, and not he majority of the people. So all I say to you guys is to stay educated and vote for the one who will do what's best fro the majority of the people and give them freedom.
I just had a great idea for job opportunities. Build a railroad system, and upgrade our trains so more people can travel on them and that they are more accessible. This would cut back on gas, provide transportation, give people more jobs (building the railroads and keeping them clean and repaired, people to help the passengers feel comfortable(similar to airplanes), entertainment), this will also be a great way to get people to better tourist destinations that they wouldn't usually go to because of time and availability, it would boost our tourism. I just thought it was a great idea. I'm sure it's not perfect, but it is an idea.
Well until next time.
Monday, October 1, 2012
October You Say?
So . . . this week will be my fourth week of the semester. That's pretty crazy. It's already been almost an entire month.
While that is slighly scary since finals are four months closer in time, it also means that a certain holiday is closer. Let's just say that is pretty dang cool.
Let's get one thing straight. Christmas is my absolute favorite holiday. It reminds me of snow (which, since I lived in a desert my entire life, I love!!!). There is such an amazing feeling in the air as Christmas approaches. Truly, it is a time when people seem to remember an amazing couple brought a baby boy into the world over 2,000 years ago. That was something special.
Yes, I know that Christmas is totally two month away, ut I love it so much that already I'm looking for recipies to make soup in my crockpot. Love it! I also want it to snow so bad. I think that last year it already snowed. Then again, maybe not. However, last year wasn't quite normal. Also, everyone said that it didn't snow nearly as much as usual. Oh boy, I hope so.
Anyway, onto something else. I'm taking eighteen credits and working a job, it is pretty crazy. I really enjoy the job, though. It is a lot of fun and I've already made a lot of friends. I am not allowed to do any homework on the job. And while I, sometimes, which I could, it is nice to come to work for 3 hours and not be allowed to do anything else but tell people to stop making out, remove their hats, and to make sure nobody steals books. :)
Okay you guys, this is the start of our sister challenge. I guess we will have to see if we can actually make it. :)
Have a great day, and enjoy your October!
While that is slighly scary since finals are four months closer in time, it also means that a certain holiday is closer. Let's just say that is pretty dang cool.
Let's get one thing straight. Christmas is my absolute favorite holiday. It reminds me of snow (which, since I lived in a desert my entire life, I love!!!). There is such an amazing feeling in the air as Christmas approaches. Truly, it is a time when people seem to remember an amazing couple brought a baby boy into the world over 2,000 years ago. That was something special.
Yes, I know that Christmas is totally two month away, ut I love it so much that already I'm looking for recipies to make soup in my crockpot. Love it! I also want it to snow so bad. I think that last year it already snowed. Then again, maybe not. However, last year wasn't quite normal. Also, everyone said that it didn't snow nearly as much as usual. Oh boy, I hope so.
Anyway, onto something else. I'm taking eighteen credits and working a job, it is pretty crazy. I really enjoy the job, though. It is a lot of fun and I've already made a lot of friends. I am not allowed to do any homework on the job. And while I, sometimes, which I could, it is nice to come to work for 3 hours and not be allowed to do anything else but tell people to stop making out, remove their hats, and to make sure nobody steals books. :)
Okay you guys, this is the start of our sister challenge. I guess we will have to see if we can actually make it. :)
Have a great day, and enjoy your October!
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Sisterhood Challenge
Alright everyone (especially Jassy and Arika),
I know I just posted yesterday, but I just had the idea to post this, and I think it would be awesome if we could do this.
For the month of August I suggest that we as sisters post every other day. I will start by posting tomorrow. The schedule will be as follows.
Aiden: October 1, 7, 13, 19, 25, 31.
Jassy: October 3, 9, 15, 21, 27
Arika: October 5, 11, 17, 23, 29
This means I will start and end the blogging challenge. Will you two do this with me? I hope so. It doesn't have to be a long post, just something, maybe like a journal or an idea you have been having reacently. Anything. I just think this might help us to become closer and learn more about each other.
I love you, Jassy and Arika. I know that might sound mushy, but you know, I can get mushy at some points in my life. I hope you have a good one, and I will see you tomorrow and every other day for the rest of the month.
I know I just posted yesterday, but I just had the idea to post this, and I think it would be awesome if we could do this.
For the month of August I suggest that we as sisters post every other day. I will start by posting tomorrow. The schedule will be as follows.
Aiden: October 1, 7, 13, 19, 25, 31.
Jassy: October 3, 9, 15, 21, 27
Arika: October 5, 11, 17, 23, 29
This means I will start and end the blogging challenge. Will you two do this with me? I hope so. It doesn't have to be a long post, just something, maybe like a journal or an idea you have been having reacently. Anything. I just think this might help us to become closer and learn more about each other.
I love you, Jassy and Arika. I know that might sound mushy, but you know, I can get mushy at some points in my life. I hope you have a good one, and I will see you tomorrow and every other day for the rest of the month.
Saturday, September 29, 2012
In a Rush
Okay guys, here is the shenanigans.
My sister is reading a chapter before we go out to eat at a fast food place so this might have to be super quick.
For the past three weeks I've been in school and have been sooooo rushed that i haven't felt super productive. I haven't watched more than one movie in the three weeks I've been here. *gasp*. I know, shameful.
Hopefully, I plan to change that. I realize that I really need to have time to live and sometimes, for an introvert like me, that involves watching a movie by myself. I fully plan to indulge in this type of behavior.
I miss Arika like crazy. It is nice to have Jassy for a neighbor though, even if we haven't seen each other much.
Are you guys as excited as I am for Rick Riordin's new novel The Mark of Athena? I certainly am.
I haven't written much, but that is okay. I am just trying to write every day, and that sort of is what keeps everything fun to me.
I got a lot of my online classes' homework for this upcoming week done so hopefully I'll have more time to myself. Ithink that is key, get the stuff I can done on Saturday and live life for the rest of the week.
Anyway, my sister is done, so that is all for now. Talk to you later.
I'll see if I can't get Arika to post later this week. Have a good one.
My sister is reading a chapter before we go out to eat at a fast food place so this might have to be super quick.
For the past three weeks I've been in school and have been sooooo rushed that i haven't felt super productive. I haven't watched more than one movie in the three weeks I've been here. *gasp*. I know, shameful.
Hopefully, I plan to change that. I realize that I really need to have time to live and sometimes, for an introvert like me, that involves watching a movie by myself. I fully plan to indulge in this type of behavior.
I miss Arika like crazy. It is nice to have Jassy for a neighbor though, even if we haven't seen each other much.
Are you guys as excited as I am for Rick Riordin's new novel The Mark of Athena? I certainly am.
I haven't written much, but that is okay. I am just trying to write every day, and that sort of is what keeps everything fun to me.
I got a lot of my online classes' homework for this upcoming week done so hopefully I'll have more time to myself. Ithink that is key, get the stuff I can done on Saturday and live life for the rest of the week.
Anyway, my sister is done, so that is all for now. Talk to you later.
I'll see if I can't get Arika to post later this week. Have a good one.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
College Life
Well I am all settled in for college. I haven't done much sine I last typed up. I have 3 amazing roommates. All of them are freshmen, but we still get along really well and I already love them like sisters. I miss my sisters though. Even though I am close to Aiden, I still don't see her and hang out as much as I would like. I miss Arika too! We need to Skype!!!!!!!
Well once something really cool happens, I will post it. Until then tata
Well once something really cool happens, I will post it. Until then tata
Saturday, September 15, 2012
So many things...
Where to begin?
Aiden and Jassy are gone, again, and the past three weeks I've been terribly lonely. It was so bad, I ran to the home of my best guy friend just to ask for a hug; I didn't realize just how bad I needed one until I almost broke down in his arms.
And I have the problem of a guy, again. I was so done with him--I swear, I was over, and past, and cutting every tie. The last one--the size of a spider's silk--was made of steel. It held fast, stopping me fom progressing, and helping me into a hole. Every time I see this guy I think, "No! No! It's not fair how fantastic you look, or how amazingly hypnotic your cologne is, or how mesmerizing your eyes are. It's not fair! How can I cut that last cord if all I think about is that?!"
My teachers are nuts, and I have to read minds in order to be prepared for class. My workplace is all stress, and when I get there, all I feel is that negative energy stabbing at me. I'm at my wit's end!
It's been a really tough three weeks.
I feel trapped, like everything I worked so hard to create has fallen apart at the seams, and I can't do a dang thing about it.
So I take a step back, breathe, and clear my head. Or try to.
I'm a sucker for energies--when I'm with people, I can feel every emotion pouring off them.most of the time, it's ok, and I let it reach me so that I can better reach them. But lately, I've been sensitive to everything far more than usual. Bad, but good as well.
So I've been trying to make as much time as I can to be with my friends, the only good energy I have to go on. They are making me feel better, bit by bit. Once I have enough strength to pull myself from the mud I'm entrenched in, I'll be able to float easily down the river again.
That is what I look most forward to.
Aiden and Jassy are gone, again, and the past three weeks I've been terribly lonely. It was so bad, I ran to the home of my best guy friend just to ask for a hug; I didn't realize just how bad I needed one until I almost broke down in his arms.
And I have the problem of a guy, again. I was so done with him--I swear, I was over, and past, and cutting every tie. The last one--the size of a spider's silk--was made of steel. It held fast, stopping me fom progressing, and helping me into a hole. Every time I see this guy I think, "No! No! It's not fair how fantastic you look, or how amazingly hypnotic your cologne is, or how mesmerizing your eyes are. It's not fair! How can I cut that last cord if all I think about is that?!"
My teachers are nuts, and I have to read minds in order to be prepared for class. My workplace is all stress, and when I get there, all I feel is that negative energy stabbing at me. I'm at my wit's end!
It's been a really tough three weeks.
I feel trapped, like everything I worked so hard to create has fallen apart at the seams, and I can't do a dang thing about it.
So I take a step back, breathe, and clear my head. Or try to.
I'm a sucker for energies--when I'm with people, I can feel every emotion pouring off them.most of the time, it's ok, and I let it reach me so that I can better reach them. But lately, I've been sensitive to everything far more than usual. Bad, but good as well.
So I've been trying to make as much time as I can to be with my friends, the only good energy I have to go on. They are making me feel better, bit by bit. Once I have enough strength to pull myself from the mud I'm entrenched in, I'll be able to float easily down the river again.
That is what I look most forward to.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
I may or may not just die!
So, it is the second day of school. I have to admit, I do enjoy my classes, especially my Criminology and Psychology. I think they will be very enjoyable, Even if that means hard as well. I have to admit that the Internet in my apartment sucks. Full-fledged suckness. So, I think I will just have to spend the entire time of this semester in the library. Not that that is bad, I do work there as a part of security after all, but still.
Hopefully I do well in all my classes. I think my enthusiasm will greatly help m ability to comprehend and do well on the tests. Anyway, I think that is all for now. I know, short, but hopefully I can get Arika or Jassy to post within the next week. Have a great one while I go back to studying the different types of Psychology.
Aiden :)
Hopefully I do well in all my classes. I think my enthusiasm will greatly help m ability to comprehend and do well on the tests. Anyway, I think that is all for now. I know, short, but hopefully I can get Arika or Jassy to post within the next week. Have a great one while I go back to studying the different types of Psychology.
Aiden :)
Friday, September 7, 2012
Hello Again College
So, yeah. I am back at college. I am taking 18 credits, which may or may not be a form of suicide but since when have I ever cared about actually living?
Anyway, it feels crazy because my sister and I are actually rooming together which seemed like it would never happen in the entire length of our existence. Regardless, I am grateful that we are here together because she has a car, and let me tell you that really helps!
I got an iPad! I am so excited about it, it's kind of funny actually. I find typing on the keyboard fairly easy, although it is very eas to get on and in confused since "i" and "o" are close together. Whatever, I love it!
Classes start on Monday which is super scary! Also I start work on Monday! I can hardly take the suspense. I am not sure if I ever really said what my job is . . . I am a part of Library Security. I a, super excited about it because first off it is a job and everything, so really I have no reason to complain.
So yeah, that isn't much, I know, but there isn't much going on, so there you have it, I a back in the state of the potatoes, Jassy is my next door neighbor, I haven't even seen roommates 1and 2. All in all, it is super fun and i am enjoying life!
Thursday, August 30, 2012
The End Draws Near! :(
Well my summer is finally drawing to an end, and with it my time to spend with my family and friends. For the past week I have been hanging out with my sister. She just left for Japan on Wednesday, and made it there safely. She is already enjoying herself. I am envious of her. I think it would be a blast to go to Japan. Oh well I will survive. I will miss her though.
Also I leave for college next week. I am excited to be going back up to Idaho though. I can't wait to continue my education. It is my goal to get straight A's this year. Will it happen? Who knows. I will let you guys know though on my progress throughout the year. I will miss seeing both my sisters in person though. At least I will have Aiden with me. And I can always text Arika or Skype her!
Oh something else that's new, I CUT MY HAIR! yes my beautiful, long, blonde hair was chopped to my shoulders! Now why do that I bet your wondering. The answer is simple, I wanted to try something new. I like it. I will probably still grow my hair out because I love long hair!
Well until next time
Also I leave for college next week. I am excited to be going back up to Idaho though. I can't wait to continue my education. It is my goal to get straight A's this year. Will it happen? Who knows. I will let you guys know though on my progress throughout the year. I will miss seeing both my sisters in person though. At least I will have Aiden with me. And I can always text Arika or Skype her!
Oh something else that's new, I CUT MY HAIR! yes my beautiful, long, blonde hair was chopped to my shoulders! Now why do that I bet your wondering. The answer is simple, I wanted to try something new. I like it. I will probably still grow my hair out because I love long hair!
Well until next time
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